Page 11 of Delicate

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Chapter 4


“You look like shit, bro.”

I toss Landon a dirty look. We’re standing side by side waxing our boards after finishing a ride together. My job lets us care and store our boards here. I actually work here while Landon…let’s just say he supplies the drinks and party invites to lots of the guys who work here, granting him privileges others aren’t privy to.

I’ve surfed all morning on only a few hours of sleep, and I’m surprised I’m still standing. But honestly, surfing doesn’t feel like work to me. It never has. Probably a big reason I love it so much.

“I got in late and didn’t sleep well. And did you forget the lesson I did this morning?”

“You got in late? You left the party early; you didn’t go home?”

“Nah. Actually, I hung out with Maia for a bit.”

“Maia? Our Maia? The one dating Alex?”

“That’s the one.” I pretend I’m busier with the waxing than I really am so I don’t have to make eye contact. Landon knows me well, too well sometimes.

“How’d that happen?”

I shrug. “I bumped into her outside. We took a walk and ended up at a fun beach party.”

“Bro, you ditched my frat’s Halloween party for a beach one? I’m fucking hurt,” Landon teases.

“You can’t really compete with a pumpkin-carving contest.”

“Okay, who are you, and what have you done with my friend?”

“What? It was fun.”

“More fun than finally getting laid?”

“Who said anything about getting laid?”

“Dude, you walked Maia home, so I just figured. You know it has been a while since I’ve seen you bring any girl home, matter of fact.”

“Well, considering my wingman pretty much left me to go on all these so-called fake dates with Everleigh, I’ve kinda had to fend for myself. And maybe I’m just a lot more subtle than you.”

Landon laughs as he finishes with the wax and looks over his work. “I think everyone falls into that category.”

“Besides, she obviously has a boyfriend. And we’re just friends. Like Everleigh and you, right?”

Landon’s head snaps up, and an unreadable expression crosses his face, but it’s gone as quickly as it came. In its place is his usual charming grin. “Exactly. Who needs a girlfriend when there are ones to hang out and be cool with, and others to satisfy our desires. Relationships are not needed.”

I laugh and shake my head. “One could be needed someday. The bouncing around from chick to chick will grow tiring.”

“Maybe for you, bro. Definitely not for me.”

“Whatever you say. Have you ever sat down and really talked to Maia?”

“That’s kind of a weird question.”

“How is it weird? I’m just curious.”

“Actually, now that you ask, I haven’t. Not like I have with Madison, Lennox, or Everleigh. She’s always been around but kind of in the background. I will say I think her boyfriend, Alex, is a dick. She deserves better than that asshole.”

“He does seem like a dick. Not my problem, though. She has to see it for herself. And you’re right. It’s like she’s friendly with everyone but not really close to any of us besides Len and Ev. But it turns out she’s a pretty cool chick. She wants to learn how to surf.”
