Page 13 of Delicate

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By midweek, I’ve yet to hear or see Maia. Not that I saw her much before, but I was hoping for at least a text.

What has gotten into me lately?

I don’t fucking know, but I’m not the type to sit around and wait for a girl to text.

I know she has my number. Our friend group exchanged numbers back in freshman year. I run through the memories in my head of the past three years. Maia was always around just like the other girls, always smiling, always down for a good time.

Maybe she only said she wanted to learn how to surf to be nice. It’s whatever.

Wednesday night, I break down and text her.

Rhett: Hey! Still up for a surf lesson? Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you ;)

The following morning, I check my phone, but there’s nothing. My gut sinks. Maybe I misread the whole situation.

By the time the weekend rolls around, I’m busy working on a midterm project, along with all-day surf lessons on Saturday and a couple of early ones Sunday morning, so Maia no longer dominates my thoughts.

In fact, I don’t notice her watching me teach the little ones on Saturday afternoon until one of them starts making kissing noises, and the rest giggle.

I look to the side from where I stand on my board in front of the class and do a double take.

There she is, in a bikini top and shorts, her long hair piled into a messy bun on the top of her head. She smiles and waves, and I wave back like an idiot.

All of the kids collectively make an ooh la la sound.

Maia claps a hand over her mouth and giggles.

“Hey, friend. Want to come meet my class?”

Maia looks around and points at herself. “Me? Nah, I’m good.”

“Oh, c’mon, they want to meet you. Don’t cha, kids?” This is the only kid class I teach, and secretly, it’s my favorite.

They all clap and cheer, and Maia saunters her way over, a playful gleam in her eye.

“Hi, everyone. I’m Maia.”

All of the kids wave back, and a chorus of hi’s rings out.

“Maia’s a friend of mine, and can you guys believe she’s never surfed before?” I chuckle as all of the kids’ eyes grow wide.

“Really? You had to tell them that?” Maia whispers through clenched teeth, and I laugh harder.

“They’ll go easy on you,” I whisper back. “Should Maia join our lesson today?” I ask the class.

They all nod.

“Since you don’t have a board, you can use mine. I’ll demonstrate first, then you can practice.”

“How about I just watch today?” Maia takes a step back. “It’s still joining. I’m just observing instead.”

Ha, I knew that would be too easy. But dammit, I wanted to see her on a board. My board, specifically. Pun intended.

Fuck, I’m a dumbass.

“Okay. Maia’s not ready to use the board yet, so she’ll watch us. Now, let’s return to our lesson on balancing.”

Maia hangs back, her eyes never straying from what I’m doing. Every time I sneak a glance at her, she’s smiling or laughing.
