Page 16 of Delicate

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Could he get any cuter?

My heart swells and beats louder in my chest. I fiddle with my bracelets, ones I made myself.

Just go over there.

I look around, a little voice telling me Alex is possibly somewhere watching me, but I ignore it and put one foot in front of the other anyway.

Chapter 6


“Okay. Maia’s not ready to use the board yet, so she’ll watch us. Now, let’s go back to our lesson on how to balance.”

After denying his offer to join the lesson, I spread my towel out on the sand and plop down. I sit with my legs crossed and slather on some sunblock. I’d rather watch him teach and show me later. Besides, he's adorable with the kids. Right now, he’s teaching how to balance on a board. He moves into a lesson on how to go from a crouch position to a standing one and vice versa.

I can’t help but find myself entranced with the way he teaches, the way he explains so young kids understand, and his patience. Between the giggles and the questions, I don’t know how he manages to teach anything.

Yet the smile on every kid’s face tells the real story. They enjoy this class and their teacher. How can you blame them? I happen to feel the same, my cheeks hurting from the constant smile plastered across my face.

When the class ends, the kids pick up their boards and scamper off with their parents, some going over to Rhett to say goodbye. He chats with a few of the parents and I watch, amazed at his politeness and ease with people. When he finishes, he doesn’t hesitate to look my way. His face lights up as bright as the sun shining above.

“Like what you see?” Rhett calls out as he saunters over toward me, his board under one arm. It’s hard to ignore his muscles, the glistening six-pack he’s sporting, and how damn sexy he looks in swim trunks. The whole surfer vibe isn’t helping either. I’m practically drooling on the spot.

“Uh, with the class or you?” The dumb question tumbles out of my mouth before I’m able to stop it, and my cheeks flush.

Rhett laughs. “Both, duh.”

I snort at his duh as my embarrassment melts away. “Yes. The kids are too cute. You’re great with them.”

He sits down beside me, and the coconut scent of his sunblock mixed with his own musk wafts by my nose. I resist the urge to inhale deeply, to commit the smell to memory. “Thanks. They’re easier than adults.” Rhett chuckles. “It’s nice seeing you here, stranger. I tried to connect with you this past week about some surf lessons, but I guess you’re a busy girl.”

I grow quiet for a moment. The last thing I want is to lie to him or make excuses. “I’m sorry. Alex was keeping me…preoccupied.” My voice drops on the last word. Wow, I sound pathetic.

Rhett shrugs but keeps a smile on his face. “I figured as much. If you were my girlfriend, I’d keep you preoccupied, too.” He winks, and I have to look away, or I might say something I shouldn’t. Not that my flaming red cheeks aren’t giving me away or anything.

“Are you flirting with a taken woman?” I bat my eyelashes in hopes to lighten the mood and ease the sexual energy flowing between us, but it seems to do the opposite.

“Never.” He grins. “I’ll just say one thing. He better be treating you right. You deserve nothing less.”

“Thanks, Rhett. That means a lot.” A silence falls between us. Is it really possible to be with a guy who always shows you respect? One who doesn’t belittle you or love you with conditions? I mean I thought it was. Before Alex.

Considering he’s my first boyfriend, the first guy I love, I don’t know what to expect. With toxic love all around when you grow up in the system, there aren’t many examples to go by besides what you see in real life or watch in the movies. And we know movies aren’t real life.

“Are you free now? I could teach you a couple of things. I’m done with work for the day.”

“Sounds better than going home to write a paper. Let’s do it,” I answer.

“I have a project to work on, too. But the waves are perfect today. It’d be a shame to spend the afternoon inside.”

“No one said anything about riding waves. In the sand lessons only today, please.”

“How will you ever learn if you don’t get out there and try?”

“With patience and practice. Pretend it’s the first day of beginners class.”

Rhett chuckles as he stands. He offers a hand and helps me to my feet. I ignore the way his hand feels in mine. I pretend it doesn’t feel good, or doesn’t turn me on, even though it’s rough and calloused and so…“You do know how to swim though, yeah?”

“Duh.” I copy his phrase from earlier, but it’s really all I can manage as my brain short circuits from the feel of his skin on mine.

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