Page 26 of Delicate

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“Yes. Please. Let’s get out of here.”

My stomach somersaults. I resist the urge to take her hand in mine. “You got it.”

* * *

We drive along the shore for over an hour with the windows rolled down and the music blaring. Neither one of us says much as we either sing along or enjoy the comfortable silence.

Maia doesn’t explain why she was upset, nor do I ask. It’s nice to just be vibing together.

I pull into an empty small lot near the shore and kill the engine. There’s a gorgeous view in front of us, and the moon shines down and reflects on the inky-blue waters below. Crickets and frogs sing their songs, the different sounds of nature coming together in harmony.

“Wow. That view is amazing,” Maia says when I turn down the music.

“It is. I found this spot freshman year.”

“I bet it’s just as pretty in the daytime.”

“Yep. Or my other favorite times of day, sunrise and sunset.”

From the corner of my eye, I see Maia glance at me, her gaze lingering, before she turns back to the view.

I still wonder what made her upset earlier, though I could take a pretty good guess—Alex.

Is it awful to wish they would break up? Not that I would make a move, but I want her to be happy. To be treated like she should be.

Silence descends between us, and while it’s not uncomfortable, I crave to know what’s going through her head. “Whatcha thinking about?”

Maia sighs and continues staring straight ahead. She picks at the threads of her jean shorts, her fingers aimlessly moving along the edge. “I don’t know.” She pauses and sighs again. “Life, I guess.”

“Where’s that smile of yours I love so much?”

“Not around tonight, Rhett. Are you ready to go back?”

Shit. She sounds annoyed, and that’s the last thing I want.

“If you want to, sure. But if you want to stay and talk, that’s cool, too.”

“Aren’t you friends with Alex?”

The question comes out of nowhere and completely catches me off guard. “Uh, kind of. More like acquaintances.”

She shrugs and crosses her arms. “I know how guys are.”

What the hell is she talking about?

“What do you mean?”

“You talk. Just like girls do.”

“Maia, you’re gonna have to break it down for me. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.”

“Alex is the reason I’m upset. I just don’t want gossip getting around. You know how the frat guys Alex hangs around with can be.”

For a moment, I’m hurt that she doesn’t trust me. But then again, what reason does she have to? “First of all, I wouldn’t ever break your trust like that. Second of all, I don’t gossip, especially not with those frat dudes. The only one I can stand is Landon to be honest. And third of all, you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. I’m glad you have Len and Ev, though. They’re great friends.”

“I have to say, it seems like you love hanging with the frat guys.”

I laugh. “I pretty much get along with all types. Perks of a big family, I guess. I hate conflict and confrontation with people. I’d rather just go with the flow.”

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