Page 28 of Delicate

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“Yep. Basically,” I agree and put the car into reverse.

Maia places her hand on top of mine. “Wait. Don’t leave yet.”

“Didn’t you just say you wanted to go?”

“Yes, but I changed my mind.”

“Damn girl, you’re indecisive.”

“Shh, stop figuring out my flaws. They’re a secret.”

I toss my head back in laughter. “You’re not very good at keeping them a secret.”

“I’m a work in progress, Rhett. Duh.”

“Stop stealing my words. I know I’m fucking amazing and all, but girl, chill.”

Maia clicks her tongue against her teeth before smirking. “More like all of my amazingness is rubbing off on you.”

“Whatever you say.”

“That’s right. Say it again.”

I grin. “Whatever you say. Duh.”

Chapter 10


After Rhett says good night, I lie in bed and try to devise a plan to break up with Alex. It might break my heart, but he can’t keep treating me the way he does.

But do I follow through?

Ha! I wish.

But here I am once again, hoping and believing.

The next day after our big fight, he sent me text after text begging me to forgive him. Saying he loves me, he’s made some mistakes, he’s overwhelmed with work and classes, he never meant to treat me that way. Like the sucker I am, I agreed to dinner.

Alex wined and dined me, like how he had when we first began dating. He bought me flowers and chocolates, and told me I was the only girl for him. He swore up and down he never cheated on me, that what I saw the night of the Halloween party was nothing. He pushed the girl off him and said he was in a relationship.

Again, like the sucker I am, I fell for it. I slid under his spell just like he wanted. Break up plans out the fucking window.

We fell back into our routine for a few weeks. It might not be as sweet as when we first met but at least it’s not like the night we had the blow up either.

I ignored Rhett’s texts asking if I wanted another surfing lesson. I ignored Len’s and Ev’s texts asking if I was okay or if I needed anything.

I let myself be swept up in the fantasy of love, love I so desperately want and crave, and like I knew it would, it all came crashing down.

It’s the weekend before the Thanksgiving holiday, and I’m busy helping the orphanage plan their annual dinner event. Not only do I help plan, set up, cook, and clean up but I also eat with them.

Which Alex doesn’t understand.

“What do you mean, you eat Thanksgiving dinner at an orphanage?”

The way he says the word orphanage makes my skin crawl. Who does he think he is?

“Just what I said, Alex. I help out, and I enjoy dinner with them. I don’t have a family, remember?”

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