Page 42 of Delicate

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Girl, you know you agree, admit it.

No, I don’t. Adorable as friends maybe.

He rejected my kiss, remember?

I ignore the battle in my head and focus on what needs to be done. Baby cuddling.

When I get home later that day, I text Rhett. He still owes me some surf lessons.

Maia: Hey, is this surf master Rhett’s number?

Rhett: Who’s asking?

Maia: A girl who needs surf lessons. That girl is me. I am that girl.

Rhett: Ah, finally the tides have turned. I’ve been waiting for you to ask. Free tomorrow?

Maia: Who says the tides have turned besides surf masters? And why, yes I am, what time?

Rhett: I’m a master at a lot of things. How’s 2 at the beach? I’ll be off work by then.

Maia: Perfect. Since you’re a master of many things, may I ask for your help once more?

Rhett: Wow, my lady, you’re awfully needy tonight.

Maia: Now is that how you talk to a lady?

Rhett: A lady who wants something, yes.

Maia: Lol. I can’t with you.

Rhett: Haha, I win. You broke character first.

Maia: It wasn’t a game, so you didn’t win anything. Back to the lady who wants something. Would you like to help with the Christmas toy drive at the orphanage?

Rhett: A thousand times yes.

His answer makes my heart beat faster. I love how much he loves a place so important to me. Unlike Alex, who cast his negative judgments instead.

Speaking of Alex, I haven’t seen or heard from him since we broke up last weekend. Fine by me.

Maia: Yay, thanks! The kids love you.

Rhett: Of course they do. How could they not?

* * *

It’s December, finals are upon us, the semester is ending, and winter break looms near.

Between volunteering, helping run the toy drive with Rhett, surfing lessons, and finding time for schoolwork, I don’t know how I fit it all. Some nights, it’s less sleep, and some days, I’m barely home.

Len and Ev keep making sure Alex is not taking up my time again. I’ve told them we’re broken up for good, but I guess it’ll take time for them to believe me, considering I went back to him before.

When they hear it’s mostly Rhett, they don’t complain. Last time, they both giggled like little girls. I must admit I giggled a little too. It’s infectious.

I haven’t felt this happy in a while. The more time I spend with Rhett, the more my heart slowly starts to heal.

All the damage, the scars, the hurt Alex left fade away inch by inch.
