Page 69 of Delicate

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“Maybe give it some time. I truly believe those who love each other will always find a way somehow, somewhere.”

“Wow, Ev. You big sucker,” Len teases, and Ev playfully punches her arm.

“I didn’t expect to see him out there. Why would he come knowing I’m not speaking to him?”

“Duh. He wanted to see you,” Ev says.

“Or he wants to break down those walls. Guys like a challenge,” Len says.

“I think I just want to sleep. For the rest of my life.”

“Nah. You want to get it on with Rhett for the rest of your life,” Len says, and we all erupt into giggles.

“Alright, that’s enough. Get out!” I joke, but they stand anyway.

“Can’t leave the guys hanging too long. We’ll talk more in the morning,” Len says, and Ev nods.

“Yes, meet in the morning for coffee.” Ev points at Len. “Your ass better be in our kitchen. No lame excuses like you fell asleep in Holden’s bed.”

“What? I can’t help his bed is so comfy.” They close the door behind them, and I close my eyes.

But it’s no use.

Sleep fails me tonight.

* * *

Classes start again, and the weeks fly by. I busy myself with my classes and start an internship with the orphanage to help me get some field experience.

I don’t see Rhett nor do I hear from him, but I don’t contact him either. My heart hurts, but I know it’s for the best. Eventually, it won’t hurt so much, right?

Keeping my mind occupied is the easiest way to deal with the pain. It’s still hard to process everything that happened. Sometimes it feels like it was all a dream. Did we really have sex? Did I really have that much fun with his family?

Lennox and Everleigh don’t bring it up, and neither do I. Furthermore adding to the illusion it was all a dream.

I don’t see Alex, either. I heard through some gossip that he left after a girl accused him of sexual abuse. I’m not surprised at his behavior, and it’s typical pussy behavior for him to disappear than to take accountability.

One day, as I take a walk down the beach, I spot Rhett teaching a group of little kids. It’s not a day he’s usually out here because if it was, I would have avoided the area like the plague. But his schedule must have changed because there he is.

Seeing him stops me in my tracks. I start to walk backward, but his voice reaches my ears, and my body freezes.

His full attention is on the class, and I know he hasn’t seen me. Yet. I should be sprinting in the other direction, yet I’m rooted to the spot.

My heart thumps.

My breathing quickens.

My stomach free-falls.

And all of my feelings, the ones I work so hard to push away and ignore, come flooding back like a tsunami.

I have to get out of here.

I turn, and as I do, I hear him call my name.

But I don’t turn back. I keep walking, the crack in my heart bursting open.

He looks so good. So handsome. So strong.
