Page 71 of Delicate

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Brad: Yeah, Chuck’s not. He’s a busy married man.

Rhett: I’m going to kill you, Zoey.

Melissa: Hey now, no violence allowed. Stop being a dumbass, Rhett.

Brad: You’ll still be a dumbass, but for real. Stop being one.

Rhett: You guys are nuts. Maia doesn’t want anything to do with me. She won’t even speak to me.

Zoey: Have you tried?

Rhett: Yeah.

Emily: Recently?

Rhett: No. It’s been a couple of months.

How did I let months go by? Self preservation maybe?

Brad: You’re a dumbass.

Rhett: Ok, I think it’s been established that I’m a dumbass. Can we move along now?

Zoey: Talk to her. And maybe say sorry?

Rhett: I’ll think about it. Now goodbye all of you annoying creatures.

Zoey: We love you.

Emily: I wouldn’t go that far.

Melissa: We all love each other.

Kate: I have drinks to make.

Brad: I have waves to surf.

Ryan: Rhett, call me later. Peace, homies.

I laugh as I click off my phone. Those annoying siblings of mine. Never did I think they’d gang up on me about a girl. They all love Maia.

And so do I.

There, I finally admit it.

I’ve known for a long time. I just could never bring myself to say it. Since I fucked it all up, I figured she was done with me. Especially since she’d run in the other direction whenever she laid eyes on me. I continued ignoring my feelings for her.

I’d gotten so good at it, it felt like second nature. It didn’t hurt as bad. I lost myself in surfing and my classes, trying to push her out of my head. But she never truly left. She lingered in the background no matter what I did.

But does she love me?

My sisters seem to think so.

How could this even work? I’m afraid of something so serious. Am I good enough for what she deserves? Because she deserves the fucking world.

Would she want to move across the country and start a life with me? How can I even ask her that? California is the only place she’s known.

The ocean is my saving grace.
