Page 28 of Rook

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I nod. “You’ll enjoy your vacation.”

A light laugh escapes her. “That sounded more like an order than a suggestion, boss.”

“It is an order,” I say with a straight face.

She sees through my ruse and laughs harder. “I used to think you were such a hard-ass.”

I glance past her to the corridor. “I still am. Don’t go spreading your opinion around.”

I have a reputation for expecting the best from my employees. It’s a trait that was instilled in me by not only my grandfather but both of my parents as well. They all took their turn at the helm of this firm. My grandfather ran the firm for years after his father passed. When he was ready to step away, he handed the reins to my dad before I graduated from law school. A few years later, my dad discovered golf, and the burden of running this place landed on my mom’s shoulders.

She decided to pass it off to me two years ago, and I eagerly took hold of that torch.

Thorsen & Associates has a robust clientele and is raking in a solid eight figures every year. I couldn’t be happier that I’ve taken what started as a two person firm and built it into something I know my family is proud of.

Abby’s index finger darts to her lips. “Your secret is safe with me.”

That makes us even because I’ve got a secret, too, but mine involves her. I’m taking on a task for Declan that’s both a belated wedding gift and the first present she’ll receive as a soon-to-be mom.

When he asked for my assistance, I jumped at the chance to lend a hand.

I have just over a month to get that job done because the plan is to surprise the hell out of Abby when they return from their jaunt around Europe.

“Declan said that you sorted everything out with Milo and the police on Saturday night.” Her tone softens. “Something about Milo being a knight in shining armor again.”

I can’t help but chuckle. “Is that how Declan framed it?”

She nods briskly while glancing at the watch on her wrist. “He told me that Milo was protecting a woman’s honor.”

“Leave it to your husband to twist my words.” I round my desk. “Milo clocked some guy in the jaw. That same guy put his hands on a woman without her permission.”

“So, he was, in fact, protecting a stranger’s honor?” Her eyes brighten. “I don’t know why I haven’t set your brother up with my sister yet. He’s the type of guy Carrie needs.”

“No!” The word snaps off my tongue with too much force.

Abby’s brows shoot up. “What? Why not?”

Because I want to fuck her.

I hold those words in and, instead, twist the truth. “Milo’s testing out his new app. It’s a hookup app, Abby. He’s not looking for anything serious.”

Milo has mentioned meeting up with a couple of women he met through Nitespark, but beyond, that I have no clue what my brother is on the hunt for in terms of a relationship.

I suspect he’s having too much fun to circle back for a second night with anyone or to bother with anything beyond the first name of any woman he takes to bed.

Carrie’s first time should be with a man who recognizes how monumental that is. I’m that man.

“I don’t think my sister wants anything serious either,” she counters. “I’ll mention him to Carrie. You never know what might come out of it.”

Nothing that benefits me will come from the two of them meeting.

Milo is a charmer. I want him to be as far away from Carrie as possible.

Since I plan on seeking out Carrie while Abby is off enjoying Paris and beyond, I ignore what she just said. I’ll get my chance with the green-eyed beauty before her sister lands back in Manhattan in four and a half weeks.

That I’m sure of.

Another glance at her watch lures a soft sigh from her. “I need to run. If I don’t see you again before we leave, be kind to my clients while I’m gone.”

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