Page 29 of Rook

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Laughter tosses my head back. “Enjoy your honeymoon.”

“I will.” She approaches me with outstretched arms. “I know that not officially related, but it kind of feels like you’re my brother-in-law now.”

I feel the same way.

I take her in for a quick embrace. “Have the time of your life.”

“You know I will.” She steps back. “If you hadn’t given me the job, I may not have the life I have now.”

I know the story of how she connected with Declan. I suspect their chance encounter on a street corner one night was fate. I had nothing to do with that. We work in the same building as he does, but that wasn’t what brought them together initially.

“You two were meant to be, Abby.”

“We were,” she agrees with a grin that lights up her entire face. “I’m going to stop by my husband’s office before I head out.”

I can’t say I’m surprised. “Tell him he’s a very lucky man.”

“I will.” She nods. “He’s what Kirby calls a very lucky ducky, right?”

“That he is.” I grin. “I’ll see you in a month, Mrs. Wells.”

“See you, boss.” She turns to leave my office, her gaze darting back over her shoulder. “Don’t be too big of a tyrant while I’m gone.”

My laughter follows her as she disappears down the corridor.

I glance toward the window of my office again and the vast view of the city beyond.

A trip to Fifth Avenue is in my future in the next day or two since that’s where I’ll find Carrie in her lab at Matiz Cosmetics.

By the time Abby returns from her honeymoon, I’ll know her sister a hell of a lot better than I do now.



I had a celebratory dinner by myself at one of the best restaurants in the city tonight. The steak was perfectly cooked, the rice pilaf was a dream, and the salad accompanying it was a culinary masterpiece. It was all so good that I paced myself so I’d have leftovers.

I slide the takeout container into Abby’s fridge, knowing I’ll have the best lunch in the break room at work tomorrow.

I can’t help but smile.

My stepsister has always been the type of person to take care of the needs of those around her. Shortly after we met, she was the one who ran out to buy me a Mother’s Day card when the holiday was approaching because she didn’t want to see a frown on my mom’s beautiful face.

It wasn’t that I ever willingly forgot the day, but after my dad died, every holiday or special occasion arrived with pain attached to it. Because of that, my mom and I made a pact to only celebrate what she deemed “the most important days of the year.”

That meant we’d set our grief aside and relish in the fun on our birthdays, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve. Every other special day that was listed on the calendar she always brought home from the bank she worked at was just another day for the two of us.

It wasn’t until Abby and her dad came into our lives that we slowly started seeing the world through a happier lens again.

I scan the interior of Abby’s fridge and the vast selection of fresh produce, juices, and the two flavors of cheesecake sitting on the bottom shelf.

I told her I’d buy groceries as I needed them, but Abby went above and beyond to make sure I’d eat healthy as I hang out with her kitten.

I glance down at Cindy. She’s a fluffy ball of white fur happily eating a serving of the food Abby left for her. The stack of cans on the counter was next to a note detailing the kitten’s feeding schedule, and everything else I needed to know to take care of her.

I smiled when I saw the note since Abby had already give me all the pointers I needed in person before she left on her honeymoon.

I grab a bottle of sparkling water from the fridge and unscrew the cap. As soon as it’s opened, I retrieve a glass from the cupboard and fill it halfway.
