Page 37 of Rook

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She takes a heavy breath. “I’m really happy for them. Do they know if it’s a boy or girl yet?”

“I’m not sure,” I answer honestly, although I expect Declan will spread that news like wildfire once he does know.

“If you talk to her before I do, please give her my congratulations.” She picks up the coffee.

“Will do.” I seamlessly shift the subject that she knows is important to me. “Have you made any headway with Mr. Allard?”

Dalton Allard is one of the richest men on the East Coast and he’s quietly put out feelers looking for a representative in this state for the acquisition of a multi-million dollar corporation. I want that deal, and since Helena claims to know someone he trusts, I’ve tasked her with securing me some face time with the man.

“Not yet,” she notes, tapping her fingers twice against her palm. “I’m working on it. Quietly, I might add. I know you don’t want to say anything to the staff until we have something concrete in place.”

She’s right about that. For now, our potential representation of Mr. Allard is on a strictly need-to-know basis, and the only two people who require that knowledge are in my office.

“You’ll let me know when you have news,” I state, not ask, because I trust Helena to inform me the second she has something to report on that front.

“That goes without saying.”

“Good.” I nod. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. By the way, I’m stealing Eamon to help me today,” she informs me of her plan to get the man who handles our reception desk to take Posey’s place. “You’ll need to find someone to fill in for him.”

I can work with that, and besides, I know Eamon is considering taking the plunge to become a paralegal in the next few months.

“You were smiling before I walked in,” Helena says as she’s about to exit my office. “It’s a good look for you.”

I glance at her, catching a grin on her face. “That goes for you as well, Helena.”

“I’m happy because I’m working.” She tilts her head. “I’m hoping the smile on your face has more to do with someone outside of the walls of this office and not a potential meeting with Dalton Allard.”

“That it does.” I nod.

Carrie hasn’t left my mind since I saw her last night. I may not get a chance to see her tonight, but tomorrow is another day.



“I’m proud of you, Telford,” I say as the elevator inches its way up. “The suit you bought is a smart investment.”

He glances up from his phone screen. “It’s an investment that better pay off. Did you see all the zeroes in the price when they rang it up?”

I reach over to squeeze his forearm. “You can wear it to propose and to your wedding, and…”

“To your wedding?” he questions.

“Some day.”

He nods. “Thanks again for coming with me.”

I was happy to do it. I know that Telford isn’t the type of man to spend a lot of money on anything, but he looked sharp in the suit he tried on. It was dark gray, and with the light gray button-down shirt one of Berdine’s stylists chose, it was perfect for Tel.

“Next up is new shoes,” he declares, to my surprise. “You’re off the hook with helping me with that. I can handle it on my own.”

I almost tell him I wouldn’t mind tagging along but keep my mouth shut. Telford knows that I’m always around if he needs me.

As the elevator’s doors slide open, Tel glances at me. “You know you’re my best friend, right?”

That touches me more than I expect it to. I choose my words carefully because I have the enviable position of having two best friends. “I know. You and Abby are tied in my heart, Tel. I love you both a lot.”
