Page 68 of Rook

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She can do that to her heart’s content, but she’ll never guess who it is. It’s a nineteen-year-old princess from another continent who decided to toss the royal life behind in favor of starting her own apparel company in this country. I can’t say if her future is in fashion, but she has enough funds to keep her venture afloat for generations to come.

She launched the brand under a shell company so the press wouldn’t know. She’s determined to make it on her own. Everyone at our firm admires that. Posey, in particular, who was so busy working on the mural that she didn’t get the time she wanted with her royal idol.

Carrie watches as I remove my watch and cufflinks. I place them in a small decorative bowl on the table in the foyer. My mom accounted for every need. I appreciate that, as I’m sure our clients do.

My tie follows before I unbutton my vest.

“Are you going to get naked here?” she asks in a trembling voice. “I thought we’d do that in the bedroom.”

“I have no shame,” I admit, because I don’t.

I work hard to maintain the body I want. It’s taken years to hone my muscles into hard slabs. I sport the cut V that tends to draw a woman’s eye straight to my thick cock.

Once my shirt is off, my shoes and socks follow.

Her gaze travels over my chest and abs. I can’t say for sure if she’s aware of the fact that her tongue has traced a path over her bottom lip twice.

She tears her eyes from me and glances over her shoulder. “I’d like to use the washroom.”

Nodding, I step toward her. She takes a full step back. “You’re very… you must spend hours in the gym every week.”

Inching closer, I pat my stomach. “I’m there when I can be.”

She swallows hard. “I’ll undress in the bathroom, but I want to keep my lingerie on for now. That’s okay, right?”

I stop just short of where she’s standing. “Whatever you want or need is okay with me.”

Her right hand jumps into the air, dangling mere inches from my bare skin. “Can I touch you?”

I take her hand in mine and press her palm against my chest.

When I feel no resistance, I guide it over my pectoral muscles before taking it on a journey around my bicep. Once we near my wrist, I grab her hand briefly to place it back on my skin. This time, it’s resting on my stomach.

She swallows again, even harder this time. “I’ll go take off my dress now.”

I scoop her hand in mine to lead her through the main bedroom of the suite to the attached bathroom. She slows only briefly when she sees the bed.

Just as I’m about to flick on the light switch for the bathroom, so turns to face me.

I see a question in her eyes, so I ask to coax it from her. “Tell me what you need, Carrie?”

She grabs hold of my forearm before she kicks off one shoe, followed by the other.

Her grip on me stays as she gazes up and into my eyes. “Will you help me take off my dress, Rook?”

The tenderness in her voice slays me. The question tears through me because I know she’s veering off the path she planned to be on. A faint glow emanates from a lamp in the corner of the room, and the blinds are open, revealing the city lights beyond.

It’s not enough light to bathe her completely, but it’s enough that I can make out the beautiful features of her face.

She doesn’t wait for me to answer. Instead, she spins and lifts her hair, revealing a zipper.

I reach up, tug the pull down and open the back of the dress.

Her creamy smooth skin comes into view along with the strap of a black bra and the waistband of a pair of black lace panties.

I push the dress from her until it puddles on the floor at her feet.

“I’m going to turn around now,” she whispers.

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