Page 13 of Cody

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Addison burst out laughing. “Not according to you. Hell, I haven’t had sex in so long. I think I forgot how to do it.”

“I bet Cody Haines can remind you.”

“Oh, my God, Kinley. You are so bad,” she said with a laugh.

“Why? Because I think a man that hot should know what he’s doing in bed?”

“Just because he’s hot doesn’t mean he can’t be a dud in bed.”

Kinley leaned against the counter, folded her arms, and grinned.

“If you find out, let me know. But I will bet he is as hot in bed as he looks. I’ve dated some hot-looking men, and they’ve been meh at the most in bed, but when a man oozes sex appeal like Cody Haines, there’s a reason. I guarantee he could set the sheets on fire.”

“You know I loved Stuart and always will, but we never had that kind of passion.”

“I know.” Kinley rubbed her back. “A man should make you scream during sex. Women need hot, sweaty, passionate sex; many go without it. Almost every man gets off, but not all women do. How fair is that?”

“Not very, that’s for sure.” Addison wondered if she’d ever have hot, sweaty, passionate sex.

Stuart had been a good man, but he never spent the time in bed with her to make her scream. She had never screamed during sex. Sure, romance novels always had the women screaming, but did it really happen? She leaned closer to Kinley.

“Have you ever screamed in bed?”

“Hell, yes.” She looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Haven’t you?”

“No. I had orgasms with Stuart, but they were over before they began.” Addison shook her head. “I don’t enjoy talking about him like that. He was a good man. Maybe it was me.”

“Sure he was, but he loved the military more than you. Every time his tour was over, he’d re-up. I think it’s great that he served his country, but… I don’t know. And I doubt it was you.” Kinley rubbed her back. “I’m sorry, Addison, but he was gone way more than he was home. No wonder you didn’t have any kids, and I know how much you wanted them.”

“I still do. Maybe he didn’t and just used the military as an excuse.” She shook her head. “I don’t know. I’ll never know now.”

“Well, I bet Cody could make you scream in bed,” Kinley said with a grin.

“I just met the man, for God’s sake, Kinley. We might not even hit it off.”

“Pffft, you could feel the sexual tension between you the day he was here. I’m telling you; you need to go for it.”

“Get back to work,” Addison said with a laugh.

Kinley laughed and continued to fill prescriptions. Addison wondered if Cody Haines could make her scream in bed.


Cody walked through the barn on his ranch in Helena, and saw his ranch manager heading toward him.

“Hey, Cody. I thought you were staying longer in Hartland?”

Cody ran his hand around his nape.

“Uh, yeah, I need to talk to you all about that. Could you call the men in for me and have them meet me in the office?”

“Sure. Is something wrong?”

“I’ll talk to you all at once, Lind.” Cody didn’t know what else he could say at the moment.

“All right, Cody. I’ll get them, and we’ll see you in your office.”

“Thanks.” He walked around him, entered his office, strode around the desk, and sat to wait for the men. God, he dreaded this.
