Page 31 of Cody

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“He seems like a nice man. He doesn’t act like a celebrity.”

“He doesn’t have to. Everyone in town knows him. He tells everyone he’s just a rancher now. He loves it.”

“Jessa is his wife, right? I remember reading he got married.” Cody shook his head. “I can’t believe I met him.”

He signaled for the server, and he came to the booth.

“Did you want something else?”

“Just the check, please,” Cody said.

Marco smiled. “It’s already been taken care of. Have a nice evening.” He walked off.

“Who took care of the check?”

Addison smiled. “Grant. Usually if he sees friends of his in here, he’ll take care of the bill.” She shrugged. “It’s just how he is.”

“That was nice of him. If you’re ready, we can get out of here.”

“I am.” She picked up her purse and slid from the booth.

Cody took her hand, led her out of the restaurant, and to his truck. He unlocked the door, and turned to help her, but she was staring at him.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing. Just wondering if you’re ever going to kiss me again.”

He chuckled. “I’m certainly planning on it.”

“I hope so.” She leaned forward, quickly kissed his lips, then slid onto the seat.

Cody stared at her and wanted to take her to a secluded spot to be alone.

“Want to go parking?”

She burst out laughing, making him laugh.

“We both have a house, so why go parking?”

“The thrill of getting caught.”

“No way. I know the sheriff and all his deputies in Clifton, and I’d rather none of them catch me in a car with steamed up windows.”

“I get that. We can’t go to Hartland County either. I’d never live it down if Gray caught me.”

“I’m sure.” She looked at her watch. “We could find a movie to watch.”

“Your place or mine?”

“Mine. I hate leaving Lolli home alone too much.”

“Lollipop,” he muttered, shaking his head, but laughed when she punched his arm.

As he drove them to her house, he couldn’t help but be thankful he’d gone into the pharmacy with Vivian. Otherwise, he never would have met Addison, and he really liked her. She was not only beautiful but had a great sense of humor. Nothing was sexier to him than a pretty woman who could make him laugh.

He pulled into the driveway, shut the truck off, and looked at her to see her looking at him.

“I’m not sleeping with you, Cody.”
