Page 47 of Cody

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“Cody stopped by last night. He brought a toy for Lollipop.”

“So you’re smiling because he brought your dog a toy?” Kinley tilted her head.

Addison motioned for her to come closer.

“We had sex,” she whispered.

“You had sex?” Kinley said in a loud voice, making people in the store look at them.

“Shhh. I don’t need all of Clifton knowing about it.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just shocked. Just the other day you said you weren’t ready for that yet.”

“I didn’t think I was, but looking at him, I knew I wanted him. God! It was amazing.”

“I’m so happy to hear that.” Kinley smiled.

“I screamed. Actually screamed. I can’t get over how good it was.”

“Chemistry, girl. Chemistry. I had a feeling he’d know what to do between the sheets.”

“I don’t know about that. We didn’t do it in a bed.” She laughed.

“What? Where?”

“Against the wall.”

“Holy shit! That is something I’ve never done. I’ve always wanted to because to me, having that man hold you against a wall is so friggin’ sexy.”

“It was. I’ve never done it like that either, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

“I’m so happy for you and happy he knows what he’s doing.”

“He does for sure. Oh, my God, Kin, he’s hung too. Damn.”

“I hate you right now.”

Addison laughed. “I’m getting him in bed tonight.”

“I would too.”

“Should I ask him to spend the night?”

“Yes, because then you’ll know for sure that he’s interested in you, not just sex.”

“I see what you’re saying. Okay. I’ll ask him. We’d better get to work; it’s going to get busy as usual around noon.”

As the day progressed, Addison struggled to focus on her work as thoughts of Cody kept creeping into her mind. She couldn’t wait to see him that evening and secretly hoped he would stay over. But what if he didn’t want to? What if he made an excuse to leave right after they had sex? Did that mean he was only interested in a physical relationship? She worried that she might be just another conquest for him. She knew some men were only interested in sleeping with women and then moving on. If Cody were one of them, she would have to tell him where she stood. She wasn’t the type of woman who could separate emotions from physical intimacy; she needed more than just sex. She wanted a lasting connection with someone and eventually have a family. Time was ticking, and she didn’t want to miss out on those things. She’d talk to him about it tonight and hope for the best.


Cody was working in his office when a knock sounded on the back door. He slid the chair back, stood, and headed for the kitchen. He opened the back door and saw a tall man standing on the porch.


“Yes, sir,” he said and put his hand out for Cody to shake.

“I’m Cody Haines.” He shook his hand and waved for him to come inside. Levi nodded and stepped across the threshold to enter the kitchen and removed his hat.
