Page 84 of Cody

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She smiled and returned the kiss, then gazed into his eyes.

“I love you so much.”

“I love you too.”

“Oh, I love this song.”

“Then let’s dance.” He took her hand and led her to the dance floor, holding her in his arms. “I’ve never heard this song before.”

“It’s called Love Letters. My Nana used to listen to it all the time. She was a huge Elvis fan, and this was one of her favorites. Some other artists have covered it too. Alison Moyet has a great version.”

“It’s a beautiful song.”

“Yes. I’d love to use it for our first dance as husband and wife,” she said, resting her head against his neck.

“Consider it done.” He kissed her head.

As they swayed to the music, Addison caught a whiff of his aftershave. It always smelled amazing on him. He pulled her closer and when the song ended, they returned to their seats.

She smiled listening to her father and Cody’s talking as if they’d known each other forever. She looked at her mother and Cody’s laughing together. It was great how they all got along.

Cody took her hand, kissed her knuckles, then joined in on the conversation between their fathers. She was so happy to have met Cody. She couldn’t imagine him not being in her life now.

As the savory smells of cooking food filled the kitchen Thanksgiving Day, Addison watched the snow falling outside the door. She couldn’t help but laugh when she heard the men in the living room cheering on their favorite football teams on TV. Turning her gaze to her mother and Louise Haines, she saw them laughing together as they prepared dishes for dinner. Her nana was at the table making salads, and everyone else was here except for Gray and Vivian who would be arriving later.

Addison loved Thanksgiving, especially this year with all her loved ones gathered together. Even though Cody’s parents were not her own, they treated her like a daughter and her parents adored Cody. She couldn’t believe how well they all got along; during their first meeting, they talked for over an hour about everything and anything. Her father was particularly thrilled to meet Cody, having been a fan of his for years. They could talk about anything under the sun. As she gazed out the window again, she noticed Levi trudging through the snow toward the house. He struggled to keep his hat on as the wind picked up.

Addison quickly opened the door and welcomed him inside. “Levi, come in. We’re so glad you could make it,” she said with a warm smile. Levi politely thanked her for inviting him before removing his coat and hat, which Addison hung on pegs for him.

“The men are in the living room, watching football. Would you like something to drink?”

“Coffee would be great. I need to warm up.” He smiled.

“Of course. Have a seat and I’ll bring it in when it’s ready.”

“Thank you, Addison. Black is fine for me.” He walked toward the living room.

Addison went to the coffee maker and prepared his coffee. As she realized how quiet it was in the kitchen, she turned to see her mother and Louise staring at her.

“What’s wrong?”

“You didn’t tell us you had another handsome man joining us,” her mother said.

Addison chuckled. “I wanted to surprise you. Levi is Cody’s ranch manager.”

“He could definitely manage me,” Louise joked.

Rolling her eyes, Addison wasn’t surprised that the women found Levi attractive. She thought so too. She hoped Kinley made it. They usually spent Thanksgiving together since they were both alone. But now, she had Cody and was grateful that everyone could make the trip to their home. She had moved into his house after they got engaged.

As she picked up the mug of coffee, she caught a glimmer from her diamond engagement ring on her finger. He had chosen a beautiful three-carat ring set in white gold, which she couldn’t have picked out better herself.

“I’ll be right back. I want to give Levi his coffee.”

“I can do it,” Louise offered with a smile.

“What would Randall think if he saw you flirting with Levi?”

Louise laughed and Addison couldn’t help but smile.
