Page 58 of More Than Promises

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As for me, I’m mostly ready to get this all over with.

“Will that be all, sir?”

I fold the paper in half and set it on the edge of the desk. “Has she agreed to have dinner with me this evening?”

Reginald frowns. “Same excuse this time, I’m afraid.”

“I see.” That woman has avoided me like the plague every night, and most of each day, since she arrived.

She finds one reason or another to be anywhere that I’m not, shares her smiles with the staff, and occasionally walks the property with the maids. But whenever I approach her, she offers quick responses or dodges me altogether.

Before we were engaged, I’d unintentionally let my guard slip around her. Now, the harder I block her out to protect myself, the harder she resists me. And while it’s pivotal that I keep that barrier in place, I didn’t invite her here just for the two of us to remain strangers.

Tonight, she’s joining me for dinner, and I’m not taking no for an answer.

“Maybe it’s time I confront her personally, then,” I muse. “Where is my elusive little bride?”

“I believe she’s in the pool, sir.”

“Thank you.” I leave him, rolling up my shirtsleeves on my way across the courtyard that leads to the newly renovated indoor pool.

The setting sun has the property ablaze with vibrant orange and red hues streaking across the lawn and spilling through the tempered glass of the building. When I jerk the back door open, the scent of chlorine and damp soil saturates the humid air.

I’m taken aback by the oasis that unfolds before me. Not usually one for swimming, I haven’t had a chance to see the updates that were made this week.

Exotic plants surround the perimeter of the heated turquoise pool, and masses of vines hang from every inch of the rectangle border just below the ceiling, giving a jungle-esque atmosphere.

In the far-left corner is a shower, built into a wall of onyx stone, and on the metal bar in front of it, is a pair of dirt-streaked overalls, a thin shirt, and white canvas shoes.

The beauty of it all pales in comparison to the woman rising from the water in front of me. She keeps her head down as she lifts herself from the pool, her arms flexing and her handful-sized breasts bobbing temptingly.

Afraid to spook her, I hang back in the shadows. Her back is to me when she’s finally on her feet, and I shouldn’t be watching her, but I couldn’t look away, even if I were being robbed blind.

When she gathers her long hair in a twist that falls down her spine, I see a disproportionate, deep-red tattoo that spans across a section of her right shoulder, though I’m too far to make out a definitive shape.

I appreciate her toned, slim figure and her fair complexion contrasting beautifully with the floral bikini that leaves little to my depraved imagination. I hardly contain a groan at the sight of her rounded ass squeezed into the tiny piece of fabric.

She’s breathtaking, and my cock twitches when she bends to dive before disappearing from view.

Hunger for more drives me toward the shallow end before she even breaks the surface. Her hands cover her face, wiping away droplets of water, but they freeze when I say, “Evening, kitten.”

Molly spreads her fingers just enough to look at me before she squawks a garbled, “Ohmygod!”

Splashing backward, she swims to the opposite edge of the pool in record time.

“You’ve been avoiding me,” I say as she hooks on to the ladder, shielding her face after hoisting herself from the water. “Tell me why.”

“I-it’s nothing. I just want to be alone.”

“That’s not a good enough answer.” I narrowly avoid slipping as I step closer, but by the time I reach her, she’s already wrapped a towel around her waist and, clothes forgotten, she bolts for the exit.

“What the fuck,” I growl, and whatever patience I’d had left dissipates.

I take off after her.

The last set of landscapers, busy packing up for the day, pause to watch with wide eyes as I chase this wild woman across the courtyard, through the mudroom, and into the main house.

Just like in the archives, when I’d gotten that first taste of her, something animalistic takes over me. I run harder, faster, to try to catch her as a primal thrill pumps through my thundering heart.
