Page 55 of Her Last Words

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“That’s due to this girl.” May nudged her head toward Katherine. “She got the diner a website and invested in some online advertising.”

“Impressive.” It certainly wasn’t something May would have done in a million years. Amanda didn’t even think May advertised—beyond fostering loyal customers who got the word around.

Katherine returned and set the cups on the counter, and Amanda handed over payment. “It was nothing, Aunt May.” Katherine touched May’s shoulder—a brief connection but even Amanda could feel the transfer of affection there. But she was also privy to their background story. For most of Katherine’s life, May hadn’t been a part of it because she and her sister—Katherine’s mother—were estranged.

“Well, I don’t want to hold you up.” Amanda collected the coffees, wished them a good day, and got on the road to Central.

She found Trent at his desk, his head bent over Felicity’s phone.

“Good morning,” she said as she came up beside him and set down the coffee that she’d brought for him.

He looked from it to her. “You spoil me.”

“I try.” Why did I say that?

“Thank you.” He dipped his head and set Felicity’s phone down and picked up the coffee cup. Cradling it in both hands, he took some eager sips.

“Don’t mention it. Rough night?”

“A bit.”

“Want to talk about it?”

“Not really.”

All right then… “Anything exciting there?”

“Yes, actually. Not in the way you might be thinking. There still hasn’t been any hateful things posted to her social media or messaged to her privately, but Garrison & Marrow made an announcement this morning.”

She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was just eight thirty. “They woke up early.”

“Honestly I was surprised something didn’t hit yesterday.”

“Garrison & Marrow likely brought lawyers in to come up with the best way of wording it. After all, a company making their money from the written word wouldn’t want such an announcement done without grace.”

“True enough.”

“What surprises me is how early in the day it was issued, though I suppose their audience is global.”

“The news has certainly gotten out though. There are thousands of condolences on her social feeds and on the one belonging to G & M. She meant a lot to many people.”

“I have no doubt. I say we continue to monitor them and her social media.” Her phone ringing stopped her there, and the caller identity showed C. Buikema. She answered, “Detective Steele.”

“Hey, ah, this is Courtney. You left a message for me.”

Amanda stood taller. “Yes, thank you for calling me back.”

“This is the first chance I’ve had.”

Slightly defensive, but Amanda let it go. “Courtney Buikema, is that right?” She wanted to confirm for the record.

“That’s me.” Two words spoken with the burden of hesitancy.

“Luis Navarro mentioned you are a friend of his. Is that right?”


“Were you with him this past Tuesday night?”
