Page 6 of Her Last Words

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“Sweeney was here because she was checking on Felicity. Said she’s been worried about her.”

“Did she say why?” Trent asked, beating Amanda to the same question.

“Didn’t get that far. Detective Ryan might have by now, but Sweeney’s a mess.”

That was easy to imagine since she’d found her friend with a knife in her chest. Though they didn’t know if she had entered the house. “Did Sweeney come inside? Touch anything?”

“Nope.” Fred pointed the tip of his pen toward the front window. “She caught a glimpse through there. She resorted to that when Felicity wasn’t answering the door or her phone.”

“Speaking of Felicity’s phone,” Amanda said, “we’ll need that before you go.”

“It’s currently in an evidence bag with the officer at the front door.”

“Where did you find it?” She wasn’t even sure how his response might affect the investigation, but it had taken several rings before Fred had answered when she’d called.

“It was tucked under the couch cushion, like it was put there on purpose.”

“Strange place to keep a phone.” She turned to Trent, who nodded. Fred shrugged. “How did you unlock it?” she asked.

“I used her fingerprint.”

The room fell silent for a few seconds.

“Anything else?” Malone prompted Fred.

“Actually, I have a question,” Amanda said. “You told us that Felicity called Lorenzo’s after me. I assume you confirmed she ordered a pizza?”

“I did, and before you ask, the delivery kid checks out.”

Something only an iron-clad alibi could guarantee. “How is that possible? Do we know the time of death?”

“No ME here yet, so no. But Felicity didn’t get her pizza.”

“What time was the attempted delivery?” Trent asked.

“Six-oh-five. But this delivery guy isn’t suspicious in the least. He was at his next stop ten minutes later and delivering pizza until midnight. Confirmed with Lorenzo’s. After that he was with his girlfriend until this morning, which she confirmed.”

Likely safe to take him off the suspect list then. “And Felicity called Lorenzo’s at what time?”

Fred consulted his notes. “Five forty.”

After she called me… That should ease her guilt. After all, such a routine thing didn’t indicate that Felicity was fearful for her immediate safety. It also allowed Amanda to build a timeline. “Then in all likelihood, Kelley’s killer gained access to her house between five forty and six-oh-five.”

“We could be looking at the same for time of death,” Trent said.

“Possible, though not necessarily,” Amanda replied. “Her killer simply would have had to prevent her from answering the door.”

Trent nodded and turned his attention to Fred. “What size was the pizza?”

“A small.”

“Then she wasn’t expecting company to share it with,” Trent reasoned. “Whoever turned up, it wasn’t for a planned visit.”

“Exactly what Ryan and I figured.”

“Anything else they should know before you leave?” Malone asked Fred.

“Think that’s about it.”
