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“Easy now, kitten. Take it easy. You’re safe.” A warm, low voice vibrated through the air as the other man cursed and backed away from me. I could barely see the face of the man I hit, a strikingly handsome but blurred man in a suit looking angry as he clutched his head. My eyes moved around, and I found it hard to look in one direction without getting sick.

“How is she awake? How did you all mess this up so badly!” A man shouted, and a large mass came into view in front of me. A massive alpha was watching me with a look of absolute adoration, which would have been nice if he wasn’t so intimidating. He was huge, his bulked muscle making him look like he belonged in a cage fighting ring rather than at my side. I vaguely remembered him, but I was having trouble placing him in my muddled brain. He had a close-cropped beard, the same length as the hair on his head and just as dark. His deep blue eyes crinkled as he smiled at me. I barely registered the tattoos curling up the sides of his neck before realizing he was the one holding my hand and gently rubbing his thumb along my skin. It felt nice, to be honest - but I soon saw that there were four people in the room with us. “It’s alright kitten. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Kitten? That’s no kitten!'' The man who I had hit was rubbing the side of his head as he scowled at me. “That’s a wildcat, and we need to take care of her before she becomes a bigger problem! Get out!” He turned to shout at the other two men, who quickly left the room before I could register what they looked like. My gaze fell back on the behemoth of a man in front of me. He was made of solid muscle, but moved smoothly as he reached over to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. His large, calloused hands were intimidating, but he was so gentle with me that I felt immediately at ease.

“You’re alright. Stay calm.” He put just a tinge of alpha bark into his voice, not enough to force me, but enough to make me start to listen and calm down. I took several deep breaths, waiting for my eyes to focus and my heart rate to settle. “There you go. You’re so good, listening so well. You woke up a little too soon. Try to lie down and rest, little one.” I laid back, my body suddenly tired again. Whatever drug was in me was too much to fight for long, so I let the warm comfort of sleep take over as I leaned in to nuzzle the warm hand holding mine, now completely surrounded by his warm scent of oak, honey and burnt caramel.

Chapter 17


Kian paced the floor of the safe-house as he fumed, his normally unreadable poker face marked with irritation. I knew this was not good - out of the four of us, he was the one who could usually stay level-headed in the worst situations. He stopped in front of Maddox and me, rubbing his head where I was sure a bruise would form soon. I had to hand it to the little omega. She had clocked him good. He never saw it coming, which was another first. We had all learned to keep our instincts sharp since we were kids. Even though Kian was the son of a wealthy and dangerous man, he still had to learn to fight at an early age. The gold specks in his brown eyes seemed brighter because of his frustration. “Someone explain to me how we have an entirely different omega in our safe-house right now? You can… you can even smell that she’s not Celeste.”

I had been trying to figure that out myself since his phone call. I had been re-watching the video feeds, looking at every possible angle. We had set up the details and planned for every type of setback. I had seen the footage of Celeste going into the Omega wing myself. Unfortunately, there was no video feed of the rooms or the hallway leading to them. But Jameson had been able to smell her and hear when she was in the room. Hell, we all smelled her when he and Maddox had brought her into the safe house. But Kian was right - the room was now a blend of the synthetic perfume of Celeste’s scent and a faint but growing natural scent of someone else - the omega that we actually had. I already knew it was going to be a problem as soon as we all went in the room - the scent was incredible and it wasn’t even at full strength. I’d never smelled an omega with a perfume so enticing. If we’d received that fragrance on the scent card when we were doing our intel, we’d have turned the mission down. It would have been far too tempting. And now that scent was going to grow stronger by the minute as Celeste’s synthetic perfume wore off and this mystery girl’s perfume took its place. The last thing we needed was an omega’s incredible perfume distracting us. Kian looked distraught as I cleared my throat to update him on what we found.

“I’m working on it. As far as I can tell, the omega in the room is a decoy. Celeste or someone close to her must have known what was going on. She has Celeste’s designer clothes on. How else could it have happened?” Kian nodded and ran his hand through his usually picture-perfect dark hair as he paced, a snarl on his lips.

“Maddox!” I looked over as Maddox snapped to attention. “Follow me! Cy, have Jameson interrogate the omega if she wakes and keep digging! Priority number one is to find out who she is. We could have a ticking time bomb on our hands.” Kian stormed out of the room with Maddox. I didn’t need to smell their pheromones to know what they were about to do. Kian and Maddox balanced each other out well, even if it was in an unconventional way. Maddox was the first to join in a pack with Kian, having found each other in college. They had a special bond and despite the appearance of frustration with each other, they would always end up in a passionate fuck fest that helped both of them calm their nerves. I couldn’t lie, it was hot. One of the reasons I’d agreed to join this pack, despite my hesitance in bonding myself to someone from the Genovese crime family, was that I respected Kian and saw his loyalty to Maddox.

When they disappeared to take care of their stress, I went back to my office to figure out what went wrong. I pulled up the tape again and watched where Celeste came to the omega wing with her entourage, at which point they turned to leave once she’d reached the guards. I zoomed in on what she was wearing. It was a similar dress to what the omega we’d taken was wearing, but not exactly the same. I replayed it over and over, then rewound it to see if I could spot the omega we’d taken anywhere else on camera earlier in the day.

It didn’t take too long to find her; she’d run out of the wing shortly before the event started. I had messaged Maddox to take his position as a guard, having edited employment files to make it easy to add him to the event security roll. Celeste should have walked into her room, been confused, then Jameson should have sedated her and taken her through the secret route down to the van while Maddox followed.

I played the video back, this time going past the point where Celeste had returned. Ah, there it was. A few minutes after Celeste had come back to the wing, the omega we’d taken came running in at the exact moment Maddox had his hands full, creating a diversion for the other guard. She’d run in quickly, but in a completely different dress. I replayed the video over and over. It looked like she was upset. Had she gone into the wrong room by mistake? It didn’t make sense. She would have had to go to Celeste’s room and try on her clothes and scent in mere minutes. And where had Celeste gone? Something didn’t add up. I continued my research while trying not to think about the mesmerizing omega we’d taken. If her full scent was half as good as the faint one I’d smelled in the room, we were going to have a bigger problem on our hands than just a failed mission.

Chapter 18


Kian rarely lost his temper, but he looked damn close right now. Unluckily for me, it had the unfortunate effect of making him even more attractive. He already looked too good as it was, with his dark hair pushed back again and his clean cut suit giving him that dominating air of authority. Kian was tall, lean and held a type of quiet power that immediately made everyone in a room know that he was someone important. He’d grown up with the best of everything, but it didn’t stop him from being on the razor’s edge of danger. He was a target for not only his father’s enemies, but also his own family members. His half brothers would kill for the opportunity to take over the family business, and had already done so. Luckily, Kian saw the writing on the wall and stepped back from the family business. When his half brother Marcus was named the heir to the empire, Kian was disowned to prevent any claim to the business and decided to go clean. Or at least, that was what he was known for publicly. We had worked behind the scenes to make our own business, but we’d never stepped entirely out of the underworld. He was highly educated, and also extremely intelligent. It’s why I trusted him to lead our pack.

Looking at him now. I could see his muscles tense underneath his perfectly tailored suit. He slowly removed his cufflinks, taking off the jacket as he spoke to me.

“Do you know what this will do to our reputation? We’ve never, in the history of our pack, missed a target like this.” He walked over to me, his pheromones filling the room as I swallowed. I was already filled with tension from the mission, and now he just had to look like sex incarnate and speak to me in that voice. He pushed a hand against my chest, shoving me backward step by step as he continued his rant, overly calm and in a deadly low voice. “We fucked this up badly. Now someone else is going to get fucked.” I felt the wall against my back, my heart racing as Kian slowly closed the distance between us. Using his other hand to undo his belt, he continued speaking to me in low tones. “How did you get the wrong omega?” He whispered, and I stuttered as I tried to explain.

“She was dressed just like - her smell - I mean, she even looks like her…” I had no excuse. And I couldn’t find the answers when I was this aroused. Kian didn’t fail to notice either.

“Look how hard you are.” His eyes grazed up and down my body, and I knew what was coming next. I’d finally get my release, and it was going to be strong. Kian was always much more passionate when he was agitated. It was one of the things that worked out well in our pack dynamic. He soothed my anxiety, and I calmed his agitation.

“Turn around.” Kian ordered, and I did so without a second thought. “Hands behind your back.” I reached behind, gripping one wrist with my other hand. I felt him loop his belt around my wrists, tightening it. He pushed me against the wall, trapping me there with his body. I felt my stress lessen with every heartbeat as he took over, his breath hot on my neck as he ran his hands up and down my skin, pulling up my shirt to get better access. “You need this, don’t you?” I tried to hold back a moan, but it was no use. I felt his hard cock pressing up against me from behind. He knew how to make me his every time. I could never resist him. I never wanted to resist him.

“Yes.” I whispered back, the side of my face flush against the wall.

“Beg for it.” I felt his teeth bite into my neck, and I lost it. My legs felt weak as I gasped, pushing back in a struggle to remain standing while the endorphins of his claim bite rushed through me.

“Please, please alpha!” I moaned, and just as quickly, he turned me around, dropping to his knees and pulling down my pants. My cock sprung out, already hard since the moment I heard him come in the front door.

“That’s right, beg for more. You’re helpless for this, aren’t you?” I squirmed against the wall as he stroked me, teasing me while I fought against the belt restraint. It heightened everything, making me even more helpless to him. But he was my alpha, and I loved it when he reminded me that he was in control. No one would have guessed that a beta as strong as I would be such a sub, but something about Kian’s authority made me crave this.

“Yes, I need it alpha.” I gasped as he slowly teased his hand up and down my shaft. His eyes caught mine as he took me in his mouth, leisurely sucking on me as I tried to buck forward. His other hand held my hips against the wall, controlling the slow, torturous movement of his mouth as the incredible feelings of being his rolled through me. Already my mind was fuzzy and full of pleasure as he made me forget every problem I was facing. His warm tongue expertly played with my head, teasing me and drawing back over and over until I was whimpering for more. He pulled back, his eyes never once leaving mine the whole time.

“You want more?” He said with a smirk. He knew I needed more. I’d crumble if I didn’t get it.

“Please, please alpha!” I begged, and he smoothly stood and led me over to the bed. After he bent me over on the edge, he pulled my pants all the way down and reached for the side table, pulling out a bottle of lube. I couldn't even hold myself up, and he gripped the belt that tied my hands and held me there while his other hand slowly ran down my backside and up to my entrance, rubbing the slick liquid over me with his hand. I heard him unzip his pants. The warm head of his cock pressed against my opening as I tried to push backwards to get more of him.

“Awe, so desperate, aren’t you?” He teased, rubbing his cock around my entrance in small circles as I struggled. “I don’t know if you deserve relief.” He pressed into me barely half an inch before pulling away. I grit my teeth, my body crying out for him.

“Please alpha! I need it, I need it!” He alternated between the pad of his thumb and his cock, pressing against me and then pulling away while I cried out for more. When I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, he lay down over the top of me, his mouth next to my ear. I loved the feeling of him on me, dominating me.
