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“You’re so needy, aren’t you? Fine. I’ll give you what you deserve.” He slowly, painstakingly slowly, entered me. Inch by inch I took his cock, feeling him fill me up as he ran his tongue along my neck. When he was all the way in, I gasped out in relief. He stayed like that for a moment, his own body shuddering in relief as he took me. Then he moved, rutting into me as he held me, with a roughness that still showed he was in control without ever going too far. My eyes rolled back as he reached under me, grabbing my cock and squeezing me. It hardly took any touch at all before I was coming, grinding against his hand and the bed with his body on top of me. My body released all the tension and anxiety I’d been feeling as the ultimate pleasure filled me up. My mind went blank as I savored his cock in me, and how he could make me orgasm at the touch of his hand. I barely even heard his grunt as he finished, my body suddenly limp with satisfaction as I lay against the sheets and closed my eyes, finally content and calm.

Chapter 19


Now that I saw how this minor mistake in our plan derailed the entire operation, I still needed to figure out who this omega was. I returned to the room where she was being held and entered slowly, almost afraid to wake her, though I knew she was still out cold. I needed to snap a photo of her face up close. Her scent was permeating the room by now, and the synthetic scent was almost gone. Although Celeste’s perfume had a sweet smell, this mystery omega’s natural scent was, in my opinion, devastatingly beautiful. It was understated, but belied a hidden resilience. Notes of sweet candied lemon and clover blossoms filled the air, and some underlying note of a balmy amber with some hint of sweet spice. Surely we had a prized omega on our hands, probably the daughter of a foreign dignitary or a wealthy family from the Western Province. I could tell just by looking at her that she wasn’t from our side of the country, despite the bejeweled dress she wore that was the popular style here. Jameson was still sitting by her, stroking her hair as he held her hand. I’d never seen anything like it. He was always the most stoic member of our pack.

“How is she doing?” He didn't take his eyes off of her as he answered me.

“She’s still out of it. When she woke up, it took all her strength. I’ll talk to her when she wakes.” I noticed he didn’t say the word “interrogate”. Interesting. I let them be and left the room, nearly having to drag myself out. The sweet scent of the omega made me want to stay there forever. If I wasn’t careful, I’d end up sitting opposite of Jameson waiting for her to wake up.

I sat at my desk, running her photo through facial recognition software. There had to be a photo of her somewhere in the papers or online social media. Every omega who attended the Darlington Ball had probably worked tirelessly to get their images as public as possible the second they presented. It was the best way for a well off omega to get the attention of a pack - looks first, then through a scent card. And with one this pretty, she probably had her face splashed all over the internet. The software scanned for a minute, then pulled up results. Nothing. I sat back in my chair. This was impossible. How could an omega, especially at this high profile of an event, have no trace on the internet? Unless she really was a spy or sent to cross us. I went out of the room to talk to the pack. Maddox and Kian were walking out of the bedroom, their pheromones strong and their attitudes much calmer. Jameson had finally left the omega’s side to take a break, but was sitting down in the living room watching the omega through the monitors intently.

“I can’t find a record of the omega. We need to be on full alert. I’ve also checked the cameras leading up to the property of our safe-house, and so far there’s been no activity, but something’s not sitting right.” I had everyone’s full attention now.

“What do you mean, no record of her? She was at the Darlington Ball!” Kian said with disbelief. “There’s no way an omega would be in there without a full profile listed.”

“I’m going to go through the names from the internal site one by one and find out if she’s even on it. In the meantime, be very cautious. If she’s not a guest of the ball, we need her interrogated right away. And there’s no way to return her there now. The place is swarming with activity.” I was still watching the camera feeds streaming from the castle, and while Celeste was clearly not kidnapped, she must have known something was up. Private security had doubled, and the police had shown up shortly after the news on the vote and Celeste’s miraculous last-minute appearance. I turned to Maddox, who was much less tense than he was a half hour ago. “How out of it is she?” He frowned, looking at his watch.

“She should have been out for at least another twelve hours. I don’t know why she woke up early, but we can flush the rest of the sedative out of her to get some answers. She saw Kian’s face, though, which will pose a problem.” Seeing Jameson’s face for a brief moment wasn’t a big deal at the time, although it was unexpected. He was distinctive in that he was larger than most alphas, but when we thought she was Celeste, we were planning on any type of story or description she gave to be played off as the rambling excuse of a drunk party girl who missed a deadline yet again. But Kian was not only a public figure, he was notorious because of his family lineage. People often recognized him when we were out, and we had no way of knowing if the omega would remember him or know who he was.

Kian paced the room, his suit still immaculate even though he had been deep inside Maddox not too long ago. “We could have dropped her off somewhere. It would have raised questions that an omega was taken from the Darlington Ball, but enough alpha packs out here put bounties out that it could have been excused as a kidnapping gone wrong. But she’s seen my face. We can’t let this be traced back to our pack.” I knew what he was struggling with. This was a massive problem - normally we left no witnesses. Jameson moved from the monitors, standing quickly.

“She won’t be an issue.” I looked over at him, wondering where he was going with this. He had disposed of plenty of “issues” before, but he moved away from getting his hands dirty with contract killing years ago. And either way, Jameson never hurt innocents. “She’s harmless. I can tell.” That surprised me. He was one of the most careful alphas I’d ever met. Maddox stepped toward him. “You don't know that. We don’t even know who she is. Cy can’t pull her up anywhere - you have to admit there’s something off.” Jameson’s eyes glanced over to the screens again before he spoke. “No one hurts her. And if she turns out to be dangerous, I’m the one who will take care of it.” I sighed. The omega’s presence was making us all jittery, even though we’d taken suppressants. Her scent alone had sent Kian nearly into a frenzy, although he’d never admit it. I was just glad Maddox was here to help him get it out of his system. Speaking of Maddox, he was also staring at the screen. I knew I needed to find out who she was, and soon, before we made any more mistakes.

“I’m going to look into her more. Until we know who she is, try to stay out of her room. Her scent will be even stronger and you are all already bricked up again.” I turned to go back to my office before they could point out my hypocrisy. I sat down at my desk, pulling up the Darlington Ball website and pouring through their records. I’d already hacked into it to get Celeste’s room information while planning for the mission, but I needed the names of all the omegas invited and attending. My eyes scanned the list as I went down one by one. Each and every omega was either famous or had a large social media presence, even the visiting royalty from other countries who tried to live a somewhat private life. Hundreds to thousands of photos popped up when I searched each name, worrying me even more. Why would Celeste use an omega for a decoy? A beta lookalike could have worn her perfume and been just as effective. Why go through all the trouble to get an omega? My mind raced as I marked omegas off the list. If she was a spy, I’d need to get to the bottom of it and figure out who sent her. We hated interrogating omegas - it went against our nature to hurt them, unlike other black market packs. But we occasionally had to when we needed answers about who trafficked them, who they were protecting.

I got to a name and a comment on the documents for the Darlington Ball that caught my eye. “Bella Carter - City: Haven. Age: 22. LOTTERY.” There was scant information about her aside from attendance dates and an itinerary, her room number, and the name of a chaperone assigned to her. I searched her name and checked socials. Not a single picture came up. A single social media account was linked to her name, but it was private and the profile picture was of a flower. I tried looking at her followers, but she had only a few. I searched her name, and still nothing much came up. But it might be the answer - if she was a lottery omega, she likely didn’t have a prominent family or money like the other attendees. It would also answer as to why a kidnapping hadn’t hit the news yet - she wasn't anyone famous. But she was still missing. Surely she had family and friends wondering why she hadn’t checked in.

I left to update the pack. Jameson was standing guard outside the room, still watching the monitors. “I might have an answer for us. Every year, the Darlington Ball gives out a few lottery tickets to omegas who can’t afford to attend.” The ball was famous for being for the elite, but kept a good public image by doing charity with the lottery. “One omega has no photos online, no articles, no publicity surrounding her name.” Jameson looked up at me, his calculating eyes making the connection.

“Why would she be in Celeste’s room? Dressed in her clothes?” He murmured under his breath. “What’s her name?”

“Bella Carter. From Haven, in the Western Province. We need to confirm it's her. I’ll find out more in the meantime.” Jameson nodded and turned to the monitors. He and Maddox were the best at interrogation - although their methods were usually reserved for other alphas or betas, and involved creative methods that turned even my stomach. But luckily for the girl, she was an omega. She’d be easy to interrogate, compelled to answer an alpha command or face her own internal form of torture. I hoped she’d go easy on herself and just follow the commands once she woke up. My mind drifted back to a time when we had to interrogate an omega working for a trafficker. We’d been hired to get back a missing beta who he’d kidnapped, but instead found an omega working for him, bound to his service through a forced bite. We’d sent in Jameson to do the dirty work - he’d always been the coldest and the most emotionless out of all of us. At least outwardly. She had resisted Jameson’s alpha bark commands for hours, her body shaking as she cried out. I don’t know if it was harder on her or on the pack to hear the poor omega in pain for that long. But we needed her to tell us her boss’s whereabouts to find the kidnapped beta, get her away from her alpha to heal the bite, and uncover how he was running his underground omega auctions. She’d eventually cracked, but Jameson hadn’t spoken for months afterward, even though we’d ended up saving her along with dozens of omegas and betas from the operation.

I was sure he was thinking back to the same incident now. The omega was tossing around on the bed, and I still wondered how she’d managed to wake with the dosage Maddox had given her. We’d decided to administer more fluid in the iv and try to get her to wake sooner, since now we were on limited time to solve the mystery. If she was the lottery winner, it made sense that she didn’t have a large social media presence. She likely came from a poorer family, but that didn’t explain everything. Most omegas, regardless of income, wanted to get themselves noticed. It was almost as if this one was holding back or hiding herself. Bella Carter didn’t even use a photo on her socials. The omega stirred even more in her bed, her arm pulling on the bindings as she started to wake. I placed my hand on Jameson’s shoulder. “It’s time. I’ll be watching on the monitors.” He stood and made his way to the room. Hopefully, we’d find out who this omega was soon and wrap this mission up - before we became too wrapped up in her.

Chapter 20


My mind was confused, images flashing through in a disjointed fashion. I was in a castle - no; I was in a room with alphas who smelled delicious - then I was in yet another room, being rejected by a pack. The images and memories from the past fought against the present, and in my altered state, I couldn’t control my anxiety. Memories from the past that had been pushed aside bubbled up, and I had no way to use any of my usual strategies to keep them away. My mind replayed the last time I had woken up with a pack who I thought I could trust, and this time, as I dreamed, I relived every detail.

“Mmmm, you smell so good. You’re our perfect little omega.” Chad purred as he ran his fingers through my hair. I was in a nest in a high rise, far away from Goldpine. Pack Deloney had taken me here after I agreed to their offer of helping me through my first heat. It was everything I had dreamed of - they had a cozy room set up with silky sheets, soft pillows, and warm, low lighting all throughout the small room. I’d stopped using my suppressants, and within a week my heat had come. The cramps along with rolling waves of feverish warmth and overwhelming desire had set in earlier that day. I’d called the Pack right as it happened, and they quickly came to gather me up and whisk me off to their private penthouse. It was better this way, they said, then to go to their mansion in the gated community on the other side of town. There were all kinds of unmated alphas there who would break the doors down if they scented me in heat. In my confusion, I simply nodded and let them hold me as I bowled over in the car, clutching my abdomen as another cramp rolled through. Lance, Dallas and Chad had their hands all over me, soothing me as Brandon drove. I was in such a haze by the time we arrived that I barely noticed them carrying me up to the nest. I could only remember the intense desire I had, the disbelief that I was actually going to go through a heat with the hottest pack in our town, and that they actually wanted me back.

They carried me to the nest, which had been set up before I arrived. Part of me wanted desperately to have been involved - I wanted the nest a certain way, but it was good enough considering the circumstances. And I was grateful that they had done all the work to make it ready for me on such short notice. I felt them on the bed with me, their large bodies sinking into the mattress as I cried out in need. “There there, we’re here now. Let’s get you out of these clothes.” Dallas started taking off my dress, one of the new pieces they had bought for me. I nodded and held back a sob as they murmured, soothing my aches with their words and hands. When I was fully nude, I looked up to see them as their hungry eyes assessed me. “How pretty you are, omega. And how lucky we are that you chose us for your first heat.” I felt the slick covering my center, making my inner thighs wet. “I need.” Was all I could manage to say as I felt Lance lean over and use his tongue to play with my nipple. I’d never felt anything like it before - it sent shocks of pleasure down my body. Then there was a pressure on my center and I looked down to see Dallas’s hand covered in my slick as the room filled with my scent.

“Look at how wet she is.” Dallas’s voice came out huskily as he pressed my thighs open wider, earning a murmur of approval from the rest of the pack. I knew I was going to be knotted soon, and I wanted it more than anything. Almost anything.

“Please, please bite me! I want to be with you forever!” I cried out as their hands moved up and down me, preparing me for the upcoming frenzy that would keep us busy for the next few days. I wanted them to claim me, take care of me, help me so I’d never again have to worry about survival. I wanted them to love me. Lance’s hand ran down my face, cupping my cheek.

“Don’t worry, omega. I told you we’d take care of you. And we will.” I nodded, putting my trust in them as the heat took over. All I remember from my first heat was an overwhelming sense of safety, pleasure, and trust. My aching desire was satisfied by four of the most attractive alphas I’d ever seen in person, at least up until that point. They cared for me, filling me with their knots over and over. I was a babbling mess during it, not knowing how amazing it would feel to go through such a new biological process. I remember begging for more, begging for knots, and most of all, begging for bites. Through it all, the pack comforted me, whispering promises but never giving me the elusive bite. In my muddled brain, I couldn't focus on it too much. I was overwhelmed with everything and needed them to guide me through it.

Looking back, I should have seen the signs. The secrecy, the way the nest was ready so quickly, the way they took me to a private penthouse far away. But I was so naïve. I didn’t have the knowledge that other omegas had. I was never taught about my designation like the children from the other side of town were. My parents only knew the beta life, and a struggle life at that. Afterward, I’d learn more about designations and how alphas could say or do anything to get what they want. But at that point in time, I believed in fairy tales and true love. I still want to believe in it, even after everything.

Days later when my heat was over, I woke up in the nest. The pack was moving about the room, getting dressed and taking turns showering off. I was sore, aching all over from the intensity of my first heat. I wiped the sleep from my eyes, slightly confused at what I should do now. I looked around and saw them talking casually to each other, not even bothering to pay attention to me. “What’s going on?” I mumbled, my brain clearing up for the first time since the heat started. “Where are you going?” I could tell from their faces and dismissive attitudes that something wasn’t right.

Brandon buttoned up his shirt and glanced over at me. “Don’t worry, omega. We have an omega rideshare coming to get you. You’ll be home shortly.” I stood on wobbly legs, panic starting to inch up my body.
