Page 73 of Warlander Grizzly

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Landon roared, but Lucas’s eyes were empty.

Lucia could kill Gunner for all he cared. Landon bolted for Lucas and bit down hard on his shoulder as he barreled into him. The screaming big cat launched onto Landon’s back, and the world was fire and chaos.

Landon rolled right into the embers. Horrified, he realized the fire was spreading. Lucas’s gorilla stood on his hind legs and beat his chest as he charged Landon.

Stop! He couldn’t speak in this form and didn’t have a bond to Lucas, but God, he wanted him to stop!

A roar of pain sounded, and Landon looked over at Lucia. She was under Gunner and something inside of Landon just…broke.

This wasn’t okay. It wasn’t right.

This was Lucia’s Crew.

This was her sanctuary.

This was her safe place.

Gunner was taking that from her, and rage boiled through his blood at the thought of the betrayal.

He charged Gunner with a plan in mind. Oh, he knew how to make him stop. He could bleed him just enough. He just needed the others to stay off him while he worked.

Time slowed as Lucia leveled him with her bright-green eyes.

Keep them off me. God, he hoped she understood.

Landon hit Gunner in the side like a torpedo, and he blasted into Lucas’s trailer.

He yanked him out of the hole he’d created by the scruff of his neck and dragged him backward. He needed to get Gunner to the back of the trailer park. He had a plan. He had a plan!

Lucia’s bear roared, and while he struggled with Gunner, he thought for a split second that she would attack his back, but she didn’t. He could hear a great scuffle behind him, and he…he knew she’d understood what he needed.

Keep them off me.

She was turning on her own people to protect his back.

Gunner was fighting hard, ripping with teeth and claws, but he didn’t understand what Landon was doing, maneuvering him backward. Back, back.

The cage rose up from the woods, half-hidden by the night shadows.

Pain ripped through him as Gunner fought him, but he couldn’t protect himself like he wanted to. Not right now.

He’d left the door to the enormous iron cage wide open. Why? Because Beaston had told him to, and he trusted Lucia’s father.

Gunner was getting more desperate, more volatile, and Landon was hurting so badly. Every rake of his claws were razors against his skin. Every puncture of his teeth went inches deep.

Just a little farther.

Gunner veered off, and Landon grunted at the effort of re-angling him. Shit! He was swinging way wide of the door.

He pinned Gunner to the ground and took a gnarly bite on the tender underside of his neck, had to pull off before Gunner ripped his throat completely.

There was chaos behind him, but he was only able to glance at Lucia’s bear backing with him, fending off Lucas, who had a white tiger on his back biting into the side of his neck. The falcon was dive-bombing the saber-toothed tiger advancing on Lucia’s silver bear.

Landon roared as he shoved Gunner with his head. Gunner was aware of the cage now. He could tell. He was pitching to the side, and Landon was having to pull the fight inward.

He was going to escape!

Something barreled through the trees and slammed into Gunner, and his bear flew sideways toward the open cage door.
