Page 11 of Willing Prey

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Shane drops to his forearms, his chest at my back. His thrusts are punishing, but now I’m eager for each one. Hipbones piston against my ass, flesh hitting flesh accented by our ragged panting. My body shifts across the ground incrementally. The scent of grass and dirt fills my nose. Breeze kisses the skin not covered by Shane’s body, the rest of me consumed by his heat. Pleasure builds, intensifying with every stroke, every exhale on the back of my neck, every soft, huffing grunt that slips between his teeth.

Tilting my hips, I force my legs as wide as the leggings will let them go. I want him deeper. More. I want more. Fingers sink into my hair, grabbing it. When my eyes flicker open, I’m staring at the sky. My chin aimed upward as Shane pulls my head back.

“Spreading your legs for more, aren’t you, little deer?” His breath on the side of my neck makes me shudder. “You run and run, but secretly all you want is to be pinned, isn’t it?”

My pussy is spasming, answering, yes, fuck, yes, even though my teeth are clamped together. I can’t keep my hips from flexing and shifting, as if I can somehow fuck him right back even though I’m trapped beneath his weight.

He releases my hair, but before I can drop my head and ease the strain on my neck, his hand wraps around my throat. A desperate moan slips between my lips before I can catch it. He squeezes lightly, then harder. If I was wet before, now the floodgates have opened, a surge of arousal rushing around his cock. The slick sounds push me closer to orgasm.

“I can feel how close you are,” Shane growls, his voice low. “Don’t fight it. Show me how much you like being hunted. How much you like being my prey.”

I want to hold off to spite him for catching me so quickly. My body decides otherwise, the first tremor of orgasm crashing into me as he tightens his grip on the sides of my throat.

“Fuck.” I gasp, stars exploding in my vision. My fingers dig deeper into the soil, searching for something, anything, to keep me grounded as pleasure threatens to carry me away. I can’t stay still, can’t think. All I can do is writhe and gasp as unintelligible sounds pour from my mouth. I’m coming so hard I don’t know my name.

“Good little deer,” each word is clipped, tight, as if Shane’s barely holding it together. “Coming so hard on my co—“

The praise turns into a groan, his thrusts becoming more frenzied. He’s somehow harder, somehow thicker, the wildness of his movements making me wonder if I might come again, roll this orgasm right into another one. When he lets out a choked “fuck,” the decision is out of my hands. I’m coming, falling into an abyss of pleasure as deep as the first.

This time, he comes with me, a feral sound leaving his mouth as his cock jerks inside me. I’m being filled. His hand clamps tighter and tighter, spurring a half-strangled noise from me as I struggle for air.

He releases my throat, and I drop my face to the ground. He collapses on top of me, his heart beating against my back. My leggings are around my ankles, shirt and sneakers still on. Reality begins to slip back in. What happens now? Margot made it sound like Shane would just leave. Will he actually just walk off without a word?

He cuts into my thoughts, answering one of my questions. “Are you okay?”

“Fuck, yes,” my voice is breathless, and I blush at his low chuckle.

He’s moving, lifting his weight off me. He hops up with more energy than anyone should have after what we just did. My movements are slower, and I ease to my feet, aided by his helping hand. Cum slides down my inner thigh, and I go to wipe it away—but Shane’s quicker.

Reaching down, he captures it with two fingers, pressing it back inside me. My pussy spasms on instinct, and his eyes dart from between my legs to my face. There’s something untamed about his look. It steals my breath. Leaves me staring back, my brain buffering while he works his fingers in and out of me. The movements are lazy, but they make my legs tremble with aftershocks of pleasure.

When he withdraws his fingers, they gleam in the sunlight. His cum and my arousal blended into slickness. Lifting his index finger to his mouth, he licks it clean. I’m focused on his tongue, remembering it lapping arousal from other, more pleasurable places. His lips twist into a smirk when he extends his hand to me, middle finger dripping with us. Gripping his wrist, I guide his hand into my mouth. Sucking it clean makes his eye darken, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows hard. I take my time, swirling my tongue around his fingertip before I release him.

“Delicious,” my voice doesn’t sound like me.

Shane stares for another second before stepping back with the smallest shake of his head. “Do you know how to get back to the house?”

I nod. I’m confident I can make it back. Even if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t admit it. I’d rather figure it out alone. He wants the hunt, nothing else. A post-sex stroll through the woods seems like a level of intimacy he’d rather skip. He looks uncertain, the expression out of place on his face. I wonder if he’s feeling guilty about leaving me.

“Think I’m going to walk around a bit,” I say, leaning down to tug up my torn leggings, abruptly realizing I’ve just been standing here pussy to the wind in my post-orgasm fugue state. “Get the lay of the land for next time.”

“All right.” Running a hand through his tousled hair, he gives me a grin that’s boyish in a way that makes my chest tight. It’s the first time I’ve seen his real smile. A dimple dents his left cheek, making him cute in a way I wouldn’t expect a man with a massive cock and a penchant for rough sex to be. “See you later.”

I make a sound of confirmation in my throat. Actual words might give me away, reveal I’m flustered. I’m not sure what it means about me that I can suck cum and arousal off his finger shamelessly, but that dimple has me ready to blush. Crouching, I pretend to tie my sneakers, watching Shane head back toward the deer path.

God, he’s big.

He has broad shoulders, a thick waist, and legs that look as sturdy as the tree trunks around us. I think I could climb him, and it wouldn’t slow him down. Even as I’m admiring him, there’s a part of me analyzing his movements, trying to figure out how to use his size against him. I hope he enjoyed today. He’ll never catch me this easily again.

Chapter Eight


It’s been two days since I fucked Claire in the field. I can’t stop thinking about it, about her. When I thought the other women I tried to do this with were a poor substitute for the real thing, I was right. With Claire, reality was a thousand times better than my fantasies. In my fantasies, she never had that wild look in her eyes, didn’t make sounds so sweet my cock twitches just remembering them. Her pussy didn’t spasm around me each time I told her what a good little deer she was. There’s no going back to fantasizing now that I’ve had her.

Work is getting in the way though. I love my job. To the point where it’s caused the demise of every relationship I’ve had as an adult, but this week it feels like an unwelcome distraction. I’ve stayed past midnight the past two nights, and I resent it. I’m irritated, aching for her taste. I only have her for thirty days, and I’m losing time. Today, I’m leaving at five, work be damned.

Two hours to go.
