Page 14 of Willing Prey

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“Good. Fucking. Girl.” A punishing thrust follows each word.“Good. Little. Deer.”

I release her hands, wanting both my arms for leverage. She claws at my back, my chest, my shoulders, gasping a string of expletives punctuated by my name. All I can do is breathe; every exhale a groan as her clenching pussy squeezes me as hard as a fist. My balls draw up, the pressure and pleasure nearly unbearable.

Claire needs to come with me. After all this, she has to. Sliding my hand between us, I rub her clit, knowing I’ve found the right rhythm when her legs tighten, slipping higher up my back.

“Shane,” she cries. “Holy shit Sh—“

Her words become a shriek as I lean forward, sinking my teeth into her throat. Claire convulses around me, thrashes beneath me. My hips pump erratically as I come with her. There’s nothing but pleasure, all-consuming pleasure. I’m saying something. I think it’s her name, in a voice so raw and feral it sounds like a stranger. My cock keeps flexing inside her, my orgasm going on for what feels like forever. When it ends, I’m spent, soul and balls both feeling pounds lighter. My head falls on her chest.

Her fingers dance in my hair as I catch my breath. It feels good, better than it should. I need to get up. Start heading back because it’s going to be a long trek. And I don’t cuddle. My softening cock is still tucked inside her. Claire’s body is languid under mine. I listen to her heartbeat gradually slow. I can’t remember the last time I felt this content, this satiated. Closing my eyes, I tell myself I’ll only rest a minute. No longer. Then I’ll get up.

Chapter Ten


I wake up to rancid, warm air blowing on my face. It smells like garbage, like the time one of my students left a slice of pepperoni pizza in her gym bag for two weeks. It’s so bad I’m scared to open my eyes. I feel like I’ll get conjunctivitis from whatever bacteria is being exhaled.

It has to be Shane. I feel his weight on me, and I’m pretty sure his cock is still in my pussy. This is a stark contrast to the delicious mintiness from last time. I try to keep my face neutral, not wrinkle my nose the way I want to. It might be a medical condition.


I’m going to open my eyes and act polite.

Not vomit from his dumpster breath.

One. Two. Three.

I open my eyes and swallow a scream. Investigating the ground inches from my face is a dark brown bear. I can’t control my body. My hand jerks up to cover my mouth. It leaps back at my sudden movement, letting out an offended huff.

“Wh—“ Shane starts to say. My other hand clamps on the back of his head, smashing his face into my right tit to silence him.

“Bear,” I hiss. “Big fucking bear.”

He cautiously rotates his head to look.

“It is a bear,” he whispers back, sounding stunned.

“Do you think I don’t know what a bear looks like?” I whisper hiss.

The bear in question has wandered a few yards away and is investigating something in a tall clump of weeds. After a bit of nosing, it emerges with my sports bra in its mouth.

We stay frozen, watching as the bear begins to tear into my sports bra. That one was my favorite, but I’m willing to relinquish it. Once my bra is shredded and scattered confetti-style across the ground, the bear lets out a satisfied snort and waddles away.

We wait. Finally, Shane lets out a hard exhale. “I think we’re good.”

He eases his hips back, cock slipping out of me. Shifting up to settle on his knees, he stretches his arms over his head. He’s sexy, distracting, and entirely too relaxed, considering we were seconds from a bear attack.

“How are you not freaking out right now?” I press myself up to my ass, looking for my leggings. Crawling over to them on my hands and knees feels awkward, but I’m so happy to be alive that looking silly is low on my list of concerns.

“I am on the inside.” He drags a hand over his face. “Pretty sure that took ten years off my life.”

“Pretty sure I got a dozen new grey hairs from it,” I mutter. My underwear is MIA. I wonder if the bear ate them before we woke up. Pulling on my leggings, I gesture at my backpack. “Your clothes are in there.”

Shane grins, and that adorable, entirely out-of-place dimple throws me off-kilter again. I look away, not wanting him to see the way it makes me want to smile back reflexively.

He tugs his pants and shirt out of the bag. “Nice of you to leave me the briefs, would have been a painful chase otherwise.”

I laugh at that. “I didn’t want to completely incapacitate you. That wouldn’t be very sporting.”
