Page 25 of Willing Prey

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Each press of his lips is sensual. His tongue strokes mine in a way that’s almost teasing. It’s so opposite to everything I’ve experienced from him that I don’t know what to do. I like it, though. God, I love it. Careful, the little voice in my head says, but I ignore it.

Shane breaks the kiss, and I want to protest. Then he says, “My room.” He presses his lips to mine again before pulling away again. “Now.”

I’m reeling from the kiss, from the switch-up. He hauls me through the dark house with shocking ease. As we enter his room, the power comes back on.

“Thank god,” Shane growls, pushing me to the bed. “An ass this perfect deserves to be seen.” He emphasizes his point by yanking down my pants and planting a hard spank on it. My face is probably as pink as my ass right now.

It’s just a compliment. Calm down.

“So you do fuck indoors?” I ask, my voice breathier than I want it to be. “And here I thought you were a one-trick pony.”

Shane’s stripped me down to nothing, yet remains fully clothed. Unfair. I grab the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head.

“I’ve got so many tricks,” he mutters as I yank down his pants.

“Do I get to see them all?”

His sweatpants hit the floor. We’re skin to skin, his thick cock pressed between us. I drag my nails down his back, he kneads my ass. We’re nothing but a tangle of hands, reaching and stroking, tugging each other closer like we can crawl under each others’ skin.

“Not tonight,” his words prompt a shiver when they hit my ear. “I have to have something to keep you around with.”

The hope I’ve been smothering surges inside me, rising until it’s probably all over my face. I don’t want him to see how happy his words make me. Tucking my face into the crook of his neck and shoulder, I drag my teeth across his skin. His hands pause mid-grope, cupping my ass. I bite him. Light. Barely a nip. It won’t even bruise. It’s nothing like the fang marks he left on me.

I’m spinning, pushed away from the heat of his body. Faster than makes sense, I’m bent at the waist, cheek pressed into the duvet. Both hands pinned at the small of my back. His knee slides between my legs, knocking them apart.

“You bit me,” Shane sounds surprised and amused, but there’s something else underneath. An emotion I can’t identify. Maybe I’d recognize it if my brain wasn’t screaming, fuck me, please fuck me.

“You bit me firs—What the fuck?” I yelp, the end of my retort cut off as his hand comes down hard on my ass. Pain explodes, making me lurch forward. I can’t get free, so I only shove my face harder against the bed.

“Little deer don’t bite,” he says, voice as smooth as I feel jagged. “Not unless they want to be spanked.”

I don’t realize he’s moving until his cock is inside me, plunging in with one hard thrust. My pussy clenches around him, eager to get things rolling. I brace for him to drive into me again as he pulls back. He shifts all the way out. As I’m sputtering my unhappiness, he spanks me. I feel hot, my ass scalding from his touch, my pussy throbbing from the lack of it. Then he’s thrusting. Hard. Deep. Punishing. He wouldn’t pull all the way out again. He wouldn’t.

He does.

I’m empty for a heartbeat before pain radiates across my ass. Another spank. It’s infuriating and thrilling all at once. This time, when he goes to plunge into me, I tighten my walls until I think I might pull a muscle. He groans as he meets the resistance, working himself inside me. I shove my face into the duvet before he pulls out. This time when his palm connects with my ass, I let myself free the scream that’s been battering at my teeth since the first strike. He didn’t ask me to, but I’m too far gone to care. The bed muffles it, but Shane hears me.

“There she is,” the soft affection in his voice doesn’t match the way he’s brutalizing me. He releases my wrists. “Good girl. Now grab the blanket, and brace yourself.”

I do. I lose all sense of time. All sense of anything beyond his cock driving into me and his hand coming down on my ass. My throat is raw as I gasp and wail into the mattress. When my orgasm comes, it matches the speed and power of his strikes. My hands grapple in the duvet. I choke on my own inhales. An avalanche of pleasure carries me away, leaving me in a heap when my pussy stops spasming. I’m aware of him rubbing my ass, speaking in a low, soothing tone. I don’t know what he’s saying, just that he sounds pleased. It isn’t until I’m sprawled fully on the bed that I realize I never felt the heat and rush of him coming inside me.

Pressing up to my elbows, I look over my shoulder. Shane looks way too pleased with himself. I want to say something snarky, but I’ve got nothing. I came so hard my brain cells tapped out. He gives me a gentle pat on my ass like I’m a dog that’s done something well.

“Good start, little deer.”

Chapter Eighteen


He moves across the bed, making the mattress shift beneath me. Between his legs, his cock juts proudly, rock hard and glistening with my arousal. I pant and watch him stretch out on the other side of the bed.

“Tell your pussy break time’s over,” he says as he slides down until he’s flat on his back. “Put her on my face.”

I gape at him. He turns his head, his look expectant.

“I’m too heavy for that.” I’m not being self-deprecating or fishing for compliments. I know I’m heavy. Solid. Sturdy. At this point in my life, it’s a part of me, as much as my eye color or height. But I’m not sure if he realizes how heavy I am, because I can’t think he’d want me positioned over his head if he did.

“Sit on my goddamn face before I bend you over the bed again,” his voice is even, but there’s steel in his gaze.
