Page 94 of The Billionaire Orc

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“Aggggghhhh!” Shona screamed at him. “This is all your fault.”

“I think you may have had a bit to do with it too, luv.” The midwife laughed. “Save your breath, it’s time to push.”

“Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!” Shona threw her head back and Tor came and sat with her, wincing and apologizing as she threw a few more choice expletives at him.

Tor held Shona’s hand and let her squeeze it until his fingers felt like they’d fall off.

Finally, the midwife said, “The head’s crowning. One last push to the finish line.”

Shona let out a howl as she poured all her energy into one more push, and then the next thing Tor heard was a baby’s cry. Shona slumped back on the pillow, exhausted, and finally let go of his hand.

Moments later, the baby was on Shona’s belly.

“Congratulation on your healthy baby girl,” the midwife said.

“It’s a girl!” Tor gasped out.

For long moments they just stared silently at the new arrival.

“We don’t have a girl’s name,” Tor said, dumbstruck.

They’d both been convinced they were having a boy.

After a moment, Shona said quietly, “Alazne. It means ‘miracle.’ It’s a human name, not orcish.”

“I’m fine with that. After all, she is half human.”

“But look at her, everything else is orc. She’s got your coloring, your eyes, your cheekbones.”

“And your white blonde hair,” Tor added.

She laughed. “Yeah, and hopefully my wonderful temperament too.”

“And my determination,” Tor added.

As Shona put their baby to her breast, Alazne suckled hard. “Oh yes, definitely your determination.”

Tor stroked his daughter’s downy little head reverently.

“Alazne it is,” he said softly. “Our little miracle.”
