Page 37 of Emmett

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“Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out,” he murmured.

His confidence and strength bolstered me, even in the face of the unknown. Fate had brought me to Emmett and his family for a reason. Unknown trials awaited, but we'd face them as one.

Chapter 15


As we reached the far side of the forest, drawing closer to the location Amber described, a sense of unease settled over me like a heavy cloak. Once vibrant and teeming with life, the surrounding forest now stood silent and lifeless.

The trees closest to the portal were withered, their leaves shriveled and gray. Even the air felt wrong, heavy with a malevolent energy that made my skin crawl. This was no ordinary fire damage–this was the work of dark magic.

The weight of my responsibilities as a Guardian pressed on my shoulders, a constant reminder of the lives depending on me.

And now, with Amber by my side, the stakes were higher than ever. Despite her newfound abilities, she was still vulnerable. How could I keep her safe when I couldn't even protect the portal?

“Wait, look at this,” she said, crouching next to the ruined portal. She pointed to a series of smaller runes etched around the main sigil, her finger tracing their intricate patterns. “These markings, I've seen them before. In the evidence from the other fire sites. We sent up drones to capture aerial images.”

I crouched to examine the burnt markings more closely. There, etched into the blackened earth, were arcane runes I didn't recognize.

“Axel, can you analyze these runes?” I asked, my mind racing with the implications of Amber's discovery.

My brother nodded, already pulling out his scanning equipment, his expression grim. “I think these are targeting runes. The pyros are using them to pinpoint the location of the portal.”

A chill raced down my spine at his words. If he was right, this was no random act of destruction. The pyromancers were systematically hunting down the portal and using magic to guide their attacks.

Axel, Leif, and I shared a grave look. Now, it made sense. While we had been focused on guarding the portal's original perimeter, someone had managed to essentially redraw its borders, overlaying this new semicircle on top of the old one. Although we had secured the original boundaries, this new sigil had overwritten the portal's margins.

Pride swelled in my chest as I watched Amber work alongside my brothers, her keen mind and unique perspective proving invaluable. She may not have control of her magic yet, but her strength and intelligence made her a force to be reckoned with.

Still, a sense of foreboding settled in my gut. The pyromancers were growing bolder, their attacks more precise. They were closing in on their goal, and I feared what would happen if they succeeded.

I cursed under my breath. We’d been outmaneuvered. They’d used the fires as a distraction, knowing we would be consumed with containing the blaze and protecting the town.

Meanwhile, they’d snuck in unnoticed and altered the portal's boundaries with their foul magic. Now, because of my failure to anticipate their strategy, they had a foothold in Silverpaw Hollow.

Leif placed a hand on my shoulder, his grip firm and reassuring. “This isn't on you, Emmett. None of us saw this coming.”

I shrugged him off, anger and frustration simmering beneath my skin. “I should have. I'm the eldest, the leader. It's my job to protect our home.”

“And you have,” Axel interjected, his voice low and intense. “But these dark forces are unlike anything we've faced before. We're in uncharted territory here.”

I knew they were right, but it did little to ease the sting of failure. I was supposed to be the strong one, the one with all the answers. But faced with this new threat, I felt lost.

“No one realized what they were after. These pyromancers are clever and ruthless. We'll find a way to undo what they've done,” Amber said.

Her faith in me eased my frustration, if only a little. I gave her a grateful smile, taking strength from her steadfast presence. Still, I couldn't forgive myself for letting this happen on my watch.

I was supposed to protect this place, protect her. Instead, I had left us all vulnerable.

I straightened and turned to my brothers. “We need to split up and keep watch over this area in rotating shifts. At least until we can figure out how to restore the original boundaries.”

They nodded, their gazes lit with determination. We all understood the implications if anything slipped through the weakened veil between realms.

A sudden gust of wind whipped through the trees, carrying with it a scent that made my blood run cold.

“Emmett?” Amber asked, her voice tight with alarm. “What is it?”

I pulled her closer, scanning the darkness beyond the tree line. The scent was unmistakable, a sickly sweet aroma that reeked of decay and malice.
