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“I guess so.”

“Take good care of my boy.” Gianni slid her a stack, wearing a mischievous smile before excusing himself.

Leaning back, she gyrated her hips. Cocoa Rose danced and stroked every bit of my ego for thirty minutes. She put on a show and earned every bit of the stack Gi left for her. She just wasn’t who I wanted. I had a good view of the bar where Hailo sat, conversing with Sky. They were laughing as if they’d known each other forever.

I tried to ignore her smile and focus on Cocoa, sliding my hands between her legs but as good as she looked and felt nothing compared to Sky’s smile. It was addictive as I walked to the bar when Cocoa got up.

“What are y’all over here gossiping about?” I asked for no other reason than wanting to be near Sky.

“Shouldn’t you be somewhere getting a lap dance or something, Birthday Boy?” Sky asked.

“I did that already.”

“It won’t kill you to get another, but we were talking about the baby, if you must know,” Sky replied.

“You were about to show me your baby before Mack invited himself into our conversation,” Hailo joked. Sky wasted no time grabbing her phone and searching for the perfect picture of Camdyn before handing it over. “Sky! She’s adorable!”

“Thank you. That’s my Tinky Butt,” Sky beamed as Hailo handed her phone back.

“Were you nervous?”

A flash of amusement appeared on Skylar’s face as she turned to the side, grabbing a juice bottle, “I’m still nervous every day. It doesn’t go away.”

“Wow, Thanks a lot.”

“Sorry, but I’m not going to lie to you. It’s hard. Really hard, and you’ll question yourself more than you ever have because you love your kid and want to get it right, but even on your worst days, you’ll look at that little face, and it’ll all feel worth it. I promise.” Sky was talking to Hailo, but her strength and optimism sucked me in too.

“Thanks, Sky.”

“You’re welcome, and now that I’ve stressed you out. I made you something to soften the blow.” Sky carefully placed the pineapple on top before setting the glass in front of Hailo.

“Hell no. She can’t have that. Gi will kill me, you, and her.”

“Really!” Sky’s hands plopped on her waist as they both stared at me in disgust. “You think I’d give her alcohol?”

“That shit looks alcoholic.”

“It’s called a mocktail. Stick to saving the world, and let me serve the drinks.” Sky slid the glass closer to Hailo, who chuckled before taking a sip.

“Hmmm! This is so good!” Hailo complimented while Sky stared at me with hiked brows.

“I’m waiting.”

“On what?”

“An apology.”

“I’m sorry, Skylar.”

“Thank you, Macklen. Duty calls. It was nice meeting you, Lo.” Sky smiled, walking to the opposite end of the bar. Hailo sipped her drinking, giggling, causing me to ask.

“What are you giggling at?”

“You like her,” Hailo pointed out. I was wondering how the hell she knew that my expression remained neutral.

“What are you talking about, Lo Diddy?”

“You like Sky.”
