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“How do you figure that?” I asked, curious as to what gave it away so I could make a note never to do it again.

“I see the way you look at her. It’s not in a lustful I want to fuck kind of way. You really like her.”

“You need to watch your mouth.”

I couldn’t refute Hailo’s claim. Whenever I was in Sky’s presence, I turned into a nervous teenage boy that didn’t know how to act. It was crazy the effect she had on me. Even worse, I couldn’t get her out of my head since I pulled up to her crib. Unfortunately, that’s as far as it could go with us.

“So when are you going to stop acting like a bitch and ask her out?” Hailo asked, causing my brows to pinch at her language. “Yes, I called you a bitch, and I mean it with love. Sky seems nice, so two nice people should date.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Why not?”

“Sky has a child that’s not mine. Ain’t no point in pursuing something that can’t be, especially when a child is involved. I wouldn’t do that to her or Cam. Rules are bigger than what I want. I have an obligation.”

“Be honest. Are these rules written somewhere, or are they made up as you go along?”

“These rules didn’t just start with Gi and me.”

“DuPont Falls and all their rules can go to hell,” Hailo groaned, wearing a scowl.

“It ain’t all bad. You and Gi look happy tonight,” I pointed out. The more days passed, the more they looked like a real couple.

Hailo turned around, glancing at Gianni before tucking the smile back in her pocket. “We’re okay.”

“That smile and the work he put into that proposal says otherwise.”

“You’re right because it’s the same smile on your face looking at Sky. Fuck the rules, Mack. If you want Sky, go get her.” Hailo bounced her brows as she nudged me convincingly. Or maybe it was because she was preaching the message I wanted to hear. “Gianni has already flipped this family upside down, marrying the one-night stand. If there was ever a time to go after what you want, now is it. Trust me.”

“It ain’t just about what I want. It takes two.” Sure Sky was attracted to me, but she seemed like she had a lot of shit she was dealing with.

“Sky likes you. Trust me; I’m a woman. I know these things.” My gaze narrowed as her smile widened. “I like you. I wouldn’t set you up like that. Now, Tyson. That’s a different story.”

“Tyson isn’t all bad.” He had his ways and even made questionable decisions, but he wasn’t malicious. Using my birthday to fuck with Gi was a lame move, and he’d hear about it later, but we were brothers. Whatever was going on between them would work itself out even if they came to blows first.

“Doesn’t seem like he has a lot of good in him either.”

“I’m not going to let anything happen to Gi. The same way, I can’t let anything happen to Ty.” I saw the look in Hailo’s eye. She was fiercely protective of Gianni. If I mentioned it, she would likely use him being her child’s father as the scapegoat, but it was more than that.

“Gianni is my family. Nobody is going to fuck with him. Nobody,” Hailo maintained. “I’m going to enjoy some titties. I suggest you do the same until you’re ready to stop acting like a bitch and ask Sky out.” Hailo extended her hand as I helped her out of her seat, cursing me out.

Gi had his hands full with Hailo. She didn’t take anybody’s shit, him included. He was doing his best to make it work and probably still had reservations, but she was a much better fit for him than Kyerra. Gi could be stubborn and hard-headed when he got like that; he needed to hear the cold hard truth. I wasn’t sure Kyerra was tough enough to go toe to toe with Gi when necessary. Hailo could. Somebody else needed to tell that nigga when he was fucking up other than me.

Outside of Tyson making the night awkward by showing up with Kyerra, the party was more fun than I thought it would be. I planned on checking Tyson later, but it was still my party. Solana had even gotten a cake, and these fools sang happy birthday in the middle of the strip club.

I was a lot more drunk than I had planned when I left my house earlier.

“Why are you sitting over here alone on your birthday?” Sky asked, easing next to me.

“Waiting on you. Get up there and show me what you got.”

“Absolutely not.”

“It’s my birthday. You can’t tell me no, Skylar.”

“They can’t.” She swirled her finger around the room at all the women. “I can.”

“That’s cold. You know this shit wasn’t about me anyway. These nigga’s just wanted an excuse to throw a party.”
