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“That’s right. Cum for me, baby girl.”

“Oh my! God! Yes! Yes!”

Arching my back to match his next thrust, I struggled to hold on, and I knew the end was near. Branding my neck with his lips breathing fire across my skin, he quickened his pace to reach the finish line with me.

My pussy throbbed, thinking about how good it felt. Mack’s dick game was lethal like that. This was supposed to be one and done, but I could easily see myself becoming addicted. It was that good.

“Good luck trying to find a nigga to top that shit,” he smirked as if he could read my thoughts.

I didn’t refute that. The dating pool sucked, and most nigga’s thought they knew everything about sex and didn’t know a damn thing. Mack’s sex game was superior, but he still took the time to listen to my body and give it what it needed. Not what he thought I wanted like most nigga’s.

“Mack?” I called out, and his eyes found me. I hesitated to ask, but he told me I could have whatever I wanted- at least for the night. “Come cuddle with me.”

“You’re the boss. I work for you tonight,” he complied, kissing my forehead.

It had been a long time since I last had sex, and even longer than that if we were talking about good sex. I closed my eyes, laying in Mack’s arms, and he’d occasionally pull me in closer, kissing my forehead again.

This had to be what heaven felt like as I closed my eyes, relaxing in the peace Mack provided. Usually, it was hard to settle my mind at night and get a decent sleep. That wasn’t the case tonight. I didn’t even remember falling asleep.

I woke up the following day confused until I rolled over and saw Mack’s naked body lying next to me.

I really fucked this man.

Girl, please, you’re giving yourself too much credit. That man fucked you.

He rolled over, causing me to freeze mid-thought. “Morning,” he pressed his lips against mine before swinging his feet to the floor. “How did you sleep?”

I reached over and grabbed my phone, surprised that I didn’t have any missed calls from my sister, Tamia.

“A little too good. I’m going to hear my sister’s mouth about it.”

“I’ll take the blame for that,” Mack offered, walking into the bathroom as I dialed her to check on Cam.

“Hey, Sky,” she answered, a lot less irritated than I imagined she would be, considering it was ten a.m. and I wasn’t home. That let me know she was about to hit me over the head for more money because I was late.

“Sorry, I’m late. What is Cam doing?”

“Marcus picked her up. He didn’t tell you?” Tamia asked as if that was the plan.

“Why the fuck would you give Cam to Marcus?” My voice caught Mack’s attention. I turned into a different person when my child was involved.

“He’s her father! What was I supposed to do? Tell him no,” Tamia replied as if that wasn’t an option.


“Then you should’ve been here. Where are you anyway?”

“Did he say where he was going?” I asked, ignoring her question because it wasn’t her business.


“Fuck Tamia! He could’ve taken her anywhere. What time was this?”

“About an hour ago. I’m sure Cam is fine. Just call her tablet,” Tamia advised as if she didn’t know the history between Marcus and me.

Hanging up the phone without warning, I grabbed a shirt and tossed it on. I dialed Camdyn’s tablet, but of course, it was unavailable. Marcus probably did it on purpose. I dialed him, and he didn’t answer either. Not that I expected him to. Marcus got off on driving me insane and would use anything to do it- even our daughter.

“Aye, Calm down.”
