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“Why you’re so scared to say those three words when you’re already head over heels for a nigga.”

“Don’t flatter yourself. Kyerra thinks you’re all that, but I’m not impressed,” I replied, rolling my eyes, but the smile on my face was a dead giveaway. I loved that Gi, and I could joke about anything. It had become our love language and made many difficult conversations easier to manage.

“Yeah, right.”

“Can I be honest?”

“I’d prefer it.”

“Saying it makes it real. It makes us real. Things have been so good I’m scared to jinx it.”

“The only thing that’s going to jinx it is not saying what you feel, Lo. I’ll start feeling unloved and shit. Then I’ll have to start fucking Rosa in my spare time to cope with the pain.”

“Who the hell is Rosa?”

“The nanny we’ll eventually hire. I hope you don’t think you and Chauncy will be the only ones having fun around here.”

“Just for that, we’re never getting a nanny.”

“So you can get a piece, but I can’t? That’s crazy.”

“Nope, because you’re my first choice, so don’t make me need anybody else but you,” I replied, resting my chin on his leg and looking up at him.

“I love you too, Lo.”

“Lay her down and come get in bed with me,” I suggested, standing up.

“Why? I’m not getting no pussy.” My hands clung to my hips, staring down at him with a scowl that he found amusing, “I’m fuckin’ with you. I’ll be there in a second.”

Pausing at the doorway, I would likely be texting his phone in ten minutes, reminding him to put Serenity down. He was in a trance, nuzzling his face against her chocolate-chubby cheeks. Those were all me, but for the most part, she was a mixture of us.

* * *

Before I went to bed, I texted my mom and let her know she could reach out to Trent. Now that it was time to get dressed, I regretted that decision. There was nothing Trent could say to mend our relationship, so what was the point?

“Are you going to be okay while we’re gone?” I asked, adjusting my outfit in the mirror. Since I was mostly belly, I had lost most of my pregnancy weight, but I didn’t snap back. There were plenty of reminders of my pregnancy, from stretch marks to saggy skin and the pouch that clung to my waist.

“If you don’t want to go, don’t, but I’m not giving you an out, Lo.”

“Isn’t that your job, husband?” I mumbled.

“You got something to say?” he asked, knowing he heard me. Gianni had ears like a bloodhound which I learned the hard way.


“We’ll be in my office,” he leaned down just enough to kiss my lips, still cradling Serenity in his arms. Gianni wasn’t slated to return to work full-time until next week, but he’d slowly gotten back in the swing of things. Even when he did go into his office, he wouldn’t hesitate to park one of Serenity’s luxury amenities next to his desk. “Get out the damn mirror. You look great.”

I didn’t feel great, and standing in the mirror wouldn’t change that, so I grabbed my purse and met my mom downstairs to get this over with. Trent selected a fancy restaurant and even made reservations. We were escorted to a table on the terrace, where he awaited our arrival.

“Thank you for coming,” Trent stood up nervously, pulling out a chair for both Sadie and me. She quickly opted for the one next to him, leaving me to sit across from him, limiting my ability to avoid eye contact.

We were all seated, eyes bouncing from one person to the next, waiting for somebody to begin a conversation. “Congratulations on the baby.” Trent rushed out, not knowing what else to say.

“Thank you.”

“How is she?”

“She’s great,” I replied, not offering any details, unlike when Denim or Niyomi asked about Serenity. He didn’t deserve to know anything about her.
