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“We have an important announcement now that you’re all here.” Ross stood up, addressing the table. “My brothers and I have decided it’s time to step down. We’ve worked hard to turn DuPont Falls around, and we’ve thought long and hard about who will take over. It wasn’t an easy decision, but the three of you will work together to continue our legacy.

“One person has always been in charge,” Mack chimed in, and I was glad somebody else said it so I didn’t have to.

“Until now.”

“So rules can be broken?” Gi asked, likely referring to his situation with Hailo.

“Not for our own personal gain. When it’s beneficial for all parties involved, rules can be adjusted. This was one of them.”

“The three of you have always been stronger together. Everybody brings something unique to the table while maintaining the balance of power. It will work,” Lucas chimed in, trying to ignore the daggers I had been shooting at him since Uncle Ross made this bullshit announcement.

“The three of you have one week to work out your differences and get on one accord.” Uncle Everett added.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me. I have some things I need to close out before I retire.” Uncle Ross smiled before walking out of the conference room, followed by Lucas and Everett, who chastised Mack for being late.

“What the fuck just happened?” Gi asked.

“Some bullshit.”

“I’m good, so the two of you better work your shit out. I’m not playing mediator every day.”

“I’m going home. Call me if you need me.” Gi announced, standing from the table.

“How are you going to run shit at home?”

“I’m not scheduled back until Monday. Until then, I’ll be home with my baby. Call me if you need me,” he replied, adding a little bass in his voice before walking out.

“You need to apologize and get this shit over with. Otherwise, the next time y’all fight, I’m not breaking it up.”

Pushing up from the table, I walked down the hallway to my father’s office. Lucas had some explaining to do, but he had already left for the day. Outside of work, he didn’t go anywhere, so I decided to try my parents’ house.

This wasn’t the first time Lucas got into trouble with gambling. I had too many memories of him fucking away money and my mother drowning herself in alcohol to deal with it. Spinning into the driveway, I threw my car in park and hopped out, letting myself in.

“You fucked me!” I snapped, walking into the den in my parents’ home.

“You’re not ready to reign alone, Tyson,” My father explained.

“You might be okay coming second to them nigga’s, but I’m not!”

“That’s the problem! It’s all or nothing with you. You and your cousins are stronger together. It was the right decision to make.”

“Who sold you that bullshit? Uncle Ross?”

“It was my suggestion,” Lucas said confidently, sliding his hands into his pockets. “It was the right thing to do, son. In time you’ll understand.”

A part of me was disappointed, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. Lucas was selfish and didn’t give a fuck about anybody but himself. Expecting him to have my back always led to disappointment.

“Since you’re so good at finding solutions these days. Solve your own money problems.”

“Tyson. This isn’t a joke. If I don’t get this money, bad things will happen. Is that what you want?”

“What I wanted ain’t never mattered in this family.”

“You’re too stuck in your ways to see it. Everything you want is right in front of your face, son. You’re so angry. You’ve always been too angry to see it.”

“I’m not in the mood for a therapy session today.”

“Where did your mother and I go wrong? Tell me. I can take it.”
