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“I can tell you what to do, but it won’t matter. You’ve got your mind made up, Gianni but promise me you’ll be careful. I don’t wanna do this without you.”

“You think I’m going to make it easy for you and Chauncy to run away together as soon as they put me in the ground? Fuck out of here. You’re stuck with me.”

I didn’t want to blow his head up any more than it already was, so I declined to respond. Little did Gianni know. Stuck with him was where I preferred to be.

His love was unorthodox in the best way, and after a few short months, I was convinced I’d never find another man to love me the way he did. I was no longer interested in trying.

“Shit happened so fast. We were just friends, then we grew closer, and I saw everything there is to love about you. Your smile. The way you call me Macklen,” he chuckled, but it wasn’t genuine. It was stifled and forced. “Shh, don’t tell anybody that, though. The way you wrinkle your nose when I give in to Cam’s demands. I love the little thoughts you let me in on.”

He paused, struggling to control his emotions. I couldn’t see him because I was still surrounded by darkness, no matter how hard I fought to open my eyes.

“Cam is still with Lo. She asks about you daily, and I’m running out of shit to say. I don’t know what to do, Sky. I’m trying to do shit the way I know you would. I got Cam. I might know how, but I’ll never stop trying to figure it out.”

Mack lifted my hand inside his, causing a jolt of electricity to surge through me. I missed Cam the most, but his touch was a close second.

“I’m sorry. I let you down, and I have to live with that but don’t give up on me, Sky. I’m going to make this shit right. I put that on my life, but I can’t handle that until I know you’re good.” I don’t know what part of his speech made him laugh, but he paused before continuing, “It’s crazy how attached I am, like our paths were meant to cross in one of those cheesy ass movies you love. I’ll wait however long, but please hurry up.”

He kissed my hand, and I thought I even heard him sniffle back a few tears. “Hurry back to Cam and me. This is the most excruciating thing I’d ever had to do. I don’t know how much longer I can take this.”

My baby was hurting- both of them. It broke my heart in a way that made me fight harder. The darkness was heavy. No matter how many times I’d tried to fight it off over the last few days, it always ended the same- me gasping for air, defeated. It was bigger and stronger than I was, but I needed to get to Cam. I missed my baby and exhausted myself, wondering what would happen to her if I didn’t. Mack’s voice had grown just as weak as I felt.

I finally drummed up enough strength to wiggle my fingers. My eyelids were heavy, but I cracked them enough to see him sit up. He stared at me and waited for another sign before calling out for the nurse. Batting my eyelashes, he smiled with tears in his eyes, happy to share eye contact with me again.

The nurse raced into the room, checking my vitals as I motioned to my mouth. It was so dry when I tried to speak that the words got stuck. After a few sips of water, she assured us everything looked fine, but the doctor would be in shortly to further examine me.

“I know you needed a break, but damn,” Mack smiled, but it wasn’t the one that made my knees weak. It was weary and forced.


“How are you feeling?” He asked, standing at my bedside with his hands tucked in his pockets.

“I want my baby,” I mumbled slowly in tears. This was the longest I had been away from Camdyn since she was born. I could only imagine how she felt if Mack was this broken up.

“I know,” his tone was sympathetic as he ran his hand over his low cut, “But I don’t want her to see you like this, Sky. I know you don’t want that either.”

I respected his opinion, and I knew Mack was right deep down. Listening to the way he’d stepped in for Cam while I was unconscious and now him thinking about what was best for her forced tears down my face.


“Cam is good. Lo and Gi have made sure of it. Get some rest for now. In the morning, I’ll make it happen.” I sobbed harder as Mack joined me in the small hospital bed and wiped my tears as I rested against his chest.

Unfortunately, I had to stay two additional days in the hospital for observation. While I admired the doctor's concern for my health, I was ready to get back to my baby. Mack was right. She didn’t need to see me in the hospital, so I’d only heard her voice asking when she would see me.

That day was today, and I couldn’t be happier as Mack opened the passenger door for me to slip inside.

“We’re going to get some stuff from your place, then pick up Cam.”

“Why are we grabbing stuff from my house?”

“Until we figure out who did this it’s safer for you and Cam at my place.”


“I’m not asking,” he cut me off in a tone he’d never used on me before. I wasn’t a stranger to it because I’d heard him dish it out to others which required me to remind Mack how to speak to people.

“Your house isn’t exactly child friendly? What if she breaks something? I can’t just move us into your home.”

“I hear all that, but like I said. I’m not asking.”
