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“Take your boy and go,” Hailo ordered, not telling him no. She also didn’t say yes.

“Be careful what you say. I’m the boss, so be ready when I get back.”

“Wassup with you?” I joked, at the way he couldn’t get enough of her.

“You’ve never had pregnancy pussy. That shit is like crack times ten.”

“How the fuck do you know what crack is like?”

“Anything that can have motherfuckas looking and acting the way they do has to be strong. Pregnant pussy still tops that shit. Wassup, though?”

Gi’s head was so far up Hailo’s pussy that I didn’t think it would matter, “Kyerra’s keeping the baby,” I replied, waiting for his response to test my theory.

He didn’t give much, which was a good sign he wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t give a fuck about Kyerra anymore. It also didn’t make the situation easier to deal with.

“Is it his?” Gi asked. It was a valid question. Kyerra was the last person I would’ve chosen to move this foul, but you couldn’t put shit past anybody.

“DNA test says so. Sol said she’s been calling him, and he’s not answering.”

“Hopefully, that nigga didn’t do anything stupid.”

“This is Tyson we’re talking about.”

We both started for his room on the other side of the house. Ty had been chill and on his best behavior since we hashed everything out. If anything could send him backward, it was this.

Gi knocked on the door and gave Tyson a chance to answer. He didn’t, so I turned the knob, and surprisingly, it wasn’t locked. He was sitting outside on the balcony attached to his room with a liquor bottle.

“When you get to the end of the bottle, that baby will still be yours. Save yourself the hangover,” Gi spoke up because I didn’t know exactly what to say. On the one hand, I felt bad for my boy because he was trying to do better. I also warned him that this would happen. When you play with fire, you get burned.

Tyson took another swig, resting it against his leg. The twang of the alcohol caused his face to twist before he replied. “Yeah, but at least let me forget for a little while.”

“It won’t be that bad,” I added, and both looked at me like I had grown three heads.

“Look, Gi. My bad-.” Tyson started, but Gi quickly waved off whatever he was about to say because it wasn’t necessary.

“You know I hate repeating myself. I told you we’re good, Ty. You don’t have to apologize to me again. Besides, I’m not the one stuck with her,” Gi joked, hoping to lighten the mood. “I’m fucking with you. I know it’s hard right now, but you’ll get through it just like you do everything else.”

“I appreciate it.” The fact that Tyson cared enough to try said a lot coming from a nigga who swore he was never wrong and blamed everybody else. There was hope for my boy, after all.

“Now get yourself together so we can have some fun and tire Lo and Sky out. Then tonight, we’ll throw you a proper send-off. Get you some island pussy. Once we get back, shit gets real.”

“Make sure you wrap it up. The last thing we need is somebody else popping up with your baby.”

“What do you think would happen?” Tyson asked, wearing a curious smile.

“Nigga let’s not find out. You got enough shit on your plate,” Gi replied mockingly.

For better or worse, these were my brothers. There wasn’t a damn thing ordinary about us, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything.



“Sorry I’m late,” I rushed out of the car, greeting Kyerra, who was standing on the sidewalk waiting for me. “My client was having a hard time today.”

“Trust me, I understand. I wouldn’t have made it through my pregnancy without you,” Kyerra smiled, pulling me in for a hug.

“You did the hard part. I was just there to support.”
