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“Oh, please! Get off the fuckin’ high horse Gianni. Words don’t mean shit when you’re lighting up at all the attention they give you. You’re different now. I’ll give you that, but you weren’t then. If you were, none of this would be happening. I would have your baby and not some random bitch you barely know!"

Falling back against the wall, I couldn’t say or do anything to relieve Kyerra's pain. It was a hard reality for somebody who could fix anything but not tonight.

"Goodnight, Ky." Wrapping my hand around her neck, I kissed her forehead and headed for the door. I hated arguing and didn’t come here for that, especially about something that happened before we got back together. My lack of engagement made Kyerra feel like I didn't care, which sent her into a spiraling rage.

"You can fuck random bitches from the club but can't fuck me?" Kyerra followed, jumping in front of me so I couldn't leave.

"Move, Kyerra."

"No!" She folded her arms across her chest with tears in her eyes, “What was so great about this girl that you fucked her without a condom and didn’t pull out.” I pressed my lips together, irritated that I didn’t allow Kyerra time to cool off before having this conversation.

Not only was she hurting right now she was also drunk and irrational. That was a deadly combination. “Some random bitch who opens her legs for strangers gets to have the life that was supposed to be mine!” she continued ranting.

"What do you want me to say, Ky?

"I don't want her to be carrying your fuckin' baby!"

"It's nothing I can do about that!" I barked, causing her back to straighten against the door. "Now get the fuck out of the way!"

Blinking aggressively, she slid out of the way, and I walked out eager to go to the only place I would find peace tonight- home.

Chapter Two

Throwing the rest of my items into my suitcase, I had already informed my boss that I had a family emergency and needed to go home. He loved the ground I walked on, so he didn’t mind and arranged a car service.

Admitting the truth provided relief until Gianni let me know he wasn’t coming back last night. It reminded me that the Cinderella story I created was nothing more than a dream. He had a life with Kyerra, and mine was waiting for me at home. Co-parenting was all this would ever be.

I was about to call Niyomi, but there was a knock at the door. Sitting my phone down, I shuffled to the door and pulled it open confused.

“Can I help you?” I asked, answering the door. He was the spitting image of Gianni- tall, muscular, and chocolate. Only he had a full beard that contained sprinkles of gray hair. There was no introduction needed, but he gave me one anyway.

“Ross Meraux. Gianni’s father. May I?”

I opened the door wider to let him in, confused by the two men who seemed to escort him here. Ross surveyed the hotel suite, and his eyes settled on my luggage beside the end table.

“Going somewhere?”

“What can I do for you?” I asked, focused on the reason for this impromptu visit.

“Gianni has informed me I’m going to be a grandfather,” Ross shared, as a smile creased his face.

“Possibly, but I’m not sure why you’re here about that.”

“We need to get your affairs in order before the wedding.”

“Wedding?” My brows furrowed in confusion. “What wedding?”

“You and Gianni.”

“Gianni and I are not getting married,” I chuckled, not because his statement was funny but so insane that I had no choice.

Ross smiled again, but it wasn’t as authentic as the previous one, “I’m not sure what Gianni has shared with you, sweetheart, but you’re carrying his heir. Family is sacred to us, and we all have to do our part to protect it- including you.”

Grabbing my phone off the table, I dialed Gianni. I didn’t know much about him, but he had a flip mouth, so I disregarded his comment when he mentioned it yesterday. Gi didn’t elaborate or double down, so I didn’t question it, but he needed to deal with his deranged father quickly.

“You need to call me back immediately!” I yelled into the speaker before disconnecting the call.

“Please calm down, Hailo. It’s not good for the baby.”
