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Me: Did you make it home safe?

Hailo: Yes.

Me: Good. See you tomorrow.

Hailo: You don’t have to come.

Me: What did I tell you about talking to me crazy?

Hailo: Bye Gianni

Me: I told you about that too.

Hailo: Savor the memories. Sex with you ruined my life.

My dick twitched simply reading her text with my name on it. There was no denying our sexual chemistry, but that was as far as it went. At least for now. We couldn’t agree on shit, making me dread going into this situation with Hailo.

Then I thought about the night we met. It took more than a pretty face to get me to do something reckless, especially without a condom. I saw something in Hailo that night. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen it since. I strode down the hallway to greet my mother.

“I didn’t expect to see you tonight,” My mother’s eyes lit up at the sight of her only child.

“I had to come and see my favorite girl. How was your day?”

“Fairly good. You?”

Hailo and I hadn’t argued all day, so I’d consider that a win. She didn’t know about Hailo yet, so I couldn’t say that.

“It was cool.”

“Honey, can you come into the family room?” My father appeared in the doorway with his hands tucked.

Xora froze, her eyes floating between my father and me. “Let me wash my hands. I’ll be there in a second.”

I joined my family in the living room, where everybody was seated, wondering why we were here. Since Ross took it upon himself to DNA test my baby, it was time to inform everybody about what was next.

“What is this about Ross?” Aunt Sophia asked, her voice detached from the conversation as if she had better things to do.

“Yes, what is this about?”

“There will be a new addition to the family in a few months.”

“Kyerra is pregnant!” My mother’s features became more animated as she excitedly tossed her arms around my neck. I could see Solana across the room shaking her head because she knew the truth, along with Mack and Tyson. “Oh my goodness! About time you two got it right. I get a grandbaby and a wedding! Why did you wait so long to tell me?”

“Ky’s not pregnant.” I cleared my throat with anticipation.

“Then who is?” Sophia sat up, waiting for the answer. She was all ears because she anticipated drama- something she lived for other than alcohol.

“Her name is Hailo. We met at a party and lost contact until a few days ago.”

“Gianni, this isn’t funny. Please tell me you’re joking,” Xora begged.

"I could, but I'm not a liar."

"Gianni," she scoffed.

"How can we be sure it's your baby? She's lied for months. Who's to say she isn't lying now?" Xora asked, praying there was a way out, but I’d already examined all options, and there weren’t any.

“Already done. It’s mine, and Hailo couldn’t tell me anything. She’s not from here.”
