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“She stole twenty thousand dollars from one of our distributors. I asked my father how he planned to handle it, and he told me to leave it to him.”


“And? He hasn’t done shit. He met with Gianni, but I doubt the situation got resolved.”

“What makes you think that?”

“I know my father. He’s been distracted and very angry, but he won’t let me in on what’s happening. Limiting the number of guns I can move hurts my pockets. Fix it before I start limiting yours. Or maybe I’ll let your family in on our little arrangement.”

TJ’s threat caused me to chuckle. His anger had him out of his mind. I gripped his shoulder when he relaxed, trying to shatter his clavicle. “You better take some of that bass out of your voice and remember who the fuck you’re talking to, Junior, before your father buries his only boy,” I replied with all disrespect intended. “Threaten me again, and moving guns will be the least of your worries.”

Tossing the bag at TJ’s feet, I started for my car, “Call me when you got the rest of my fuckin’ money.”

My family believed that controlling the number of guns and drugs in the city would keep people safe. I didn’t. If somebody wanted to commit a crime, they would find a way, and so would a crackhead.

TJ wanted to make money outside his family’s name, and I never turned down a dollar. He paid me on the back end to ensure he could move more guns than my family allowed. It had been a beneficial arrangement for both of us. I don’t know how Gi knew, but I planned to find out and get more information on Hailo.

Chapter Nine


“Mom.” Was all I could get out before the tears overpowered me.

I was due any day now. The idea of my water breaking had me on edge. Her room was prepared thanks to Niyomi and Denim, but she still didn’t have a name. All my life, I’d had names picked out for a daughter I didn’t have. Now that I was pregnant, none of them seemed as great.

“Hailo, what’s wrong? What happened? Is it time?” Sadie’s voice rose an octave, thinking the worst.

“I’m scared. What if I made a mistake keeping my baby?” I sobbed, unleashing all the horrible things I felt, but was too afraid to voice it to anybody other than my mother.

Sadie let out a sigh of relief that it was just another emotional meltdown.

“It’s okay to be scared. A lot has changed in a short time. Fear is normal, but what will you do with it?”

“I don’t know. I feel so unprepared. The days are flying. I don’t have a name picked out. I don’t know if I want to breastfeed or not. It’s so much I don’t know, and it’s overwhelming.”

“You think you’re the first woman in history to be intimidated by motherhood?” Sadie chuckled.

“I’m being serious right now.”

“I am too. Listen, I’m not trying to minimize your feelings but understand this is normal. I was sixteen years old when I gave birth to you. I was scared shitless. I had no idea what I was doing, but I figured it out and leaned on the people who wanted to help me. You don’t have to have all the answers. She has a father who loves her and you very much. Lean on that and calm down, please.”

I rolled my eyes at the mention of Gi. I tried to lean on him, but he had more important things to tend to. Walking into the bathroom, I sat on the toilet and grabbed some tissue to wipe my face. “Since when did you become president of the Gianni Fan Club.”

“I have a good feeling about Gianni, so don’t let my mistakes or your father’s get in your head.” The line grew silent as Sadie waited for me to respond, but I didn’t have any energy to give Trent. “He called me.”

“I’m sure. He always does like that’s going to change how I feel.”

“My stance has always been the same regarding your father. I’ll support whatever decision you make. I always have, but maybe telling him how his actions have made you feel will help.”

“I don’t want to talk about him.”

“It might help take some pressure off yourself because you don’t want your daughter to feel how you felt. Try to relax and let Gianni be there for you.”

“Thanks, mom.”

“Hey Mama,” Gianni walked up behind me in the bathroom, and I wondered how much of my conversation he had overheard.

“Hey, baby.”
