Page 106 of Unbreakable Bond

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“So now you’re the victim?” Tyson erupted in laughter at his own statement. “You’re not happy, and neither am I. He wants to make you happy, so I will let him, but my generosity comes at a cost. Get him to sign it.”

“And if I don’t?” I challenged.

“I’d take that offer and get the fuck out of my house before shit gets ugly.” Tyson ended the conversation by leaving the kitchen.

I was still trying to understand how things went south so fast. Sure, I should’ve told Tyson about my history with Vincent, but I hadn’t disrespected our marriage in any way. Even with temptation knocking at my doorstep, I remained loyal to him, and for what?

Blinking away my tears, I marched upstairs and threw items in a tote. I didn’t know where I was going, but I knew how Tyson could get, and I didn’t take his threat lightly. As far as Bryson was concerned, he wasn’t taking my son or dictating my role as his mother.

I slipped on a sweatsuit and walked out of the house. With one hand on the steering wheel, I sent Vincent an urgent text because he had some explaining to do.

Me: I need to see you NOW.

Vince: Is everything okay?

Me: No, it’s not. Where are you?

Vincent sent me his location, and I plugged it into the GPS. Halfway to his hotel, I thought about turning around. What if this was all a part of Tyson’s plan, and he was somehow tracking my movements so I could lead him to Vincent?

Tyson could be erratic, but I couldn’t worry about what he would or wouldn’t do now. Vincent owed me answers. I banged on the door when I reached his hotel suite, and he quickly answered.

I waltzed past him without invitation, heading straight to the bar.

“What’s going on? Are you okay?”

“What the fuck did you say to Tyson?” I yelled, ignoring his question while I poured myself a glass of Tequila.

“Why didn’t you tell him about us?” Vincent asked, sliding his hands in his pockets and wearing the same calm Tyson had begun our conversation with—only his wasn’t induced by alcohol.

“What I do or don’t tell my husband isn’t your business. Nor was it your place to throw our history in his face!” Gulping the content of the glass, I took a deep breath. “What did you say to him?”

“I asked if you were available to discuss the proposal, and I told him we had history.”

“That’s it?”

Vincent scrubbed his beard before sitting next to me on the sofa.

“Did he hurt you?”

“Vincent, please. I don’t need you to save me. I need to know what you said to my husband.”

“Don’t you think that’s a question you should’ve asked him and not me?”

“I decided to come straight to the source. You had so much to say behind my back. Say it to my face,” I challenged.

“Fine. That’s the real reason you’re here, right? Yelling at me, taking out your frustrations because everything he said to you is true. One of which is you still have feelings for me, but I have feelings for you too.” Vincent slid his hand against my skin. The sincerity in his eyes caused a shiver as he massaged the nape of my neck. “I love you, Kyerra. I never stopped loving you, so just let me.”

Doing the right thing still led my husband to bring up a divorce and kick me out. It had been an emotionally draining night. I needed to feel something, and Vincent was here and willing. So, when he leaned in to kiss me this time, I let him.

Scooping me up, Vincent walked to the bedroom with his hands firmly gripping my ass. Laying me down, he quickly came out of his clothes and freed the lower half of my body from mine. Dropping to his knees, he attacked my center with so much precision you'd think they were best friends.

“You taste so good.” He said, kissing my lips, and I had to agree with him. Although I didn’t know what pussy was supposed to taste like, the subtle hint of sweetness had me licking the remnants of my goodness from his lips.

Why did this man have to feel so good?

“Fuck Vincent!” I moaned while my mind ran wild with fantasies of what our future together could look like.

Tyson’s delirium must’ve jumped off him and onto me. It was too soon to consider life with another man, but Vince wasn’t just any man. He was special and saw me the same way. Was it crazy for me to think this could be something?
