Page 110 of Unbreakable Bond

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“Little girl, it's only so much disrespect I will take. Keep it up! I dare you!” Sophia challenged.

“Solana,” I tried to reason with her, but her neck shot toward me, delivering a hateful glare.

“Don’t!” She fussed.

“Lo, talk to your girl.” I was trying to be patient, but married Solana was a fuckin’ brat. At this rate, I wanted to take her to the farm and lock her in the room with her man.

“You’re her favorite. I thought you had all the answers,” Tyson mocked.

“Fuck you, Tyson!”

“Watch your mouth, Gianni!” Dad fussed, hitting me in the back of the head.

Most of us had checked out of the conversation. Solana wasn’t even wasting her breath anymore while Lucas and Sophia ranted about shipping her off somewhere if she didn’t get it together. Hailo was sitting on the floor next to my chair, using my leg as an armrest, while Tyson was on the phone. I don’t think Mack was ever listening, to begin with.

“Whatever was going on with Quest is done! You’re coming home since we can’t trust you to make good decisions. Hopefully, Pierre will be willing to give you a second chance once this tantrum is over.” Uncle Lucas rattled off.

“Where is Quest?” Tyson yelled out, causing Solana’s eyes to shoot at me.

His question piqued Mack’s interest, causing him to sit up.

“Gianni. What did you do to him?” Solana asked.


“I hit Munch to check in, and he said you were the last one there,” Tyson explained.

“I was.”

“So, what the fuck happened?” Tyson asked.

Solana stood up, piercing me with glossy eyes, waiting for a response.

“I swear I will never forgive you if you hurt him!” Solana scolded.

“I really thought we were better than that.”

“Don’t try to guilt me! This is on you. All of you!” Solana’s index finger jousted around the room.

“The better question is, why are you so worried?” Uncle Lucas asked.

“You missed your only daughter’s wedding. Allegedly. That’s why she’s so worried!” Tyson laughed.

“We know why my husband isn’t here, but where’s your wife? Did you run her off, too?” Solana screamed, but it wasn’t until now that I realized Kyerra was absent. Apparently, her absence triggered Tyson because now he was on his feet, standing toe to toe, arguing with Solana.

“You’re gullible as fuck if you think that nigga gives a fuck about you,” Tyson yelled.

“Enough!” Dad yelled, interjecting their screaming match. “Everybody have a seat. Now!”

“They are legally married. Daniel emailed me a copy of the marriage certificate,” I added.

“And you just let him go?” Uncle Lucas asked, followed by a mischievous chuckle.

“There you go again. Making decisions and expecting the rest of us to fall in line,” Tyson complained.

“What were we going to do? Keep him chained up forever. Look at your sister! Yet, you wonder why you’re not the person she goes to,” I argued.

“Solana will be fine! Holding him until we knew more was the right call!” Lucas concluded.
