Page 113 of Unbreakable Bond

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“That’s Good because you also said I could have a vacation. Judging by your little outburst, you need one, too.”

“I’ll give you whatever,” I slipped my tongue in her mouth otherwise her list of demands would’ve continued. “Now, about you being so proud you wanted to do me.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Kyerra texted me last night asking if we could talk. I didn’t want to see her, but I had to be an adult, considering we had a son, so I agreed.

“You’re glowing today,” I announced, opening the front door.

“Freedom tends to do that to a woman.”

“Funny you mentioned freedom. We must have a deal.”

Tension stretched between us as Kyerra’s eyes roamed the room as if she had been gone that long.

“Where’s Bryson?”

“My parents’ house.”

“Why? I haven’t seen him in days!” I started for the kitchen, and she followed, complaining about me already trying to control the situation. “If this indicates how co-parenting will be, prepare for a fight! You’re not going to control me by using him.”

Finally tired of hearing Kyerra make herself the victim, I shut the refrigerator.

“I took him to my parents’ house because the last thing he needs to see is this!”

Stunned, Kyerra swallowed her preplanned rebuttal, stalling momentarily before digging the contract out of her purse.

“He signed it.”

This was the right decision, but it didn’t make it hurt less. Part of me hoped that Kyerra and I would figure this shit out. We’d fall in love, and how we got here wouldn’t matter. It happened for Gi and Hailo. So, it could happen to us, too.

Now, we were standing here negotiating our separation like a business deal. It stung, but neither of us was happy, and the last thing I wanted was to raise my son in a marriage that needed a divorce.

“Thank you.”

“I want it in writing,” Kyerra demanded as if she were in a position to do so. Then again, she had always had an abundance of audacity.

“You don’t trust me?”

“Why should I? You didn’t believe a word I said, and now I’m supposed to trust you’re going to be a man of your word?”

“You’re the one fucking other nigga’s.”

“Let’s be clear. I didn’t fuck Vincent until you kicked me out!”

“Semantics, Kyerra, but I don’t have shit to lie about. If you want it in writing, you got it. Anything else?”

There was a shimmer of something in her eyes before mumbling. “I guess not. I’m going to get my things.”

“I’ll type up the agreement.”

Kyerra nodded, and I walked to my office, transcribing the deal we agreed to. Marriage had been hard enough. I wanted this divorce to be over as swiftly as possible. When I finished, I scribbled my signature on the dotted line and caught Kyerra as she descended the stairs.

“I didn’t take anything that wasn’t mine,” she explained.

“I’m not trippin’.”

She quickly skimmed the document I handed over, making sure it was to her satisfaction. “I really did want things to work, Tyson.”
