Page 119 of Unbreakable Bond

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My dream was short-lived because Cam heard my footsteps and ran out of her room, joining us. As much as I wanted to slide in Sky tonight, lying in bed with my girls was what I needed most.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“Why do you look so stressed?” Mack asked, stealing a kiss as he snuck up behind me.

“I have a big test this morning.”

“You ignored me and Cam all weekend to study. You’re more than prepared.”

“Wow, way to make me feel bad.”

“You know I don’t mind kickin’ it with Cam. She needed some Mack Attack time anyway.”

Rolling my eyes, it had been days since Mack got in Marcus’s ass. He was angry and taking it out on Camdyn like he always did by ignoring her attempts to reach out. I wanted to block him from her iPad altogether, but I tried not to make decisions out of spite.

“Aye, we’re not doing that anymore,” Mack called out in a much more stern voice.

“My mom texted me this morning,” I shared because I wasn’t going to apologize for being protective of my child.

“Oh yeah, did you actually respond?” Mack asked, poking fun at our tumultuous relationship.

“Yes, I did, asshole.”

“What adventure is Adria up to now?”

“She’s in New Orleans. She claims she met the love of her life for the tenth time,” I giggled, saying it out loud because she was always falling in love with somebody.

“What does he do?” Mack asked.

“Real Estate. At least that’s what he told her, but if she likes it, I love it. Just don’t come back here when it falls apart.”

“Damn, be positive. Tenth time might be the charm,” Mack joked.

“I’ll let you be positive, but it’s Tamia’s turn if it fails.”

Cam walked into the kitchen in a visibly sad, halting our conversation.

“Good morning, Camdyn, New Jersey.” Mack’s greeting usually made her chuckle because learning there’s a city named Camden tickled her in a way that only made sense at six.

“What’s wrong?”

“Can I have a hug?” she asked, arms outstretched, and Mack wasted no time picking her up.

Watching Cam rest her head on his shoulder and close her eyes made my heart smile.

“You gotta cheer up Cam Cam. You’re going to make me sad.”


“Because you’re sad, duh!” Mack’s chin dipped, and he stole a glance at her. “Now I’m about to cry.”

Hearing his fake sobs finally elicited the response he was looking for. She was trying to stifle her laugh with her hand. Meanwhile, I shook my head at the lengths he’d go to make her happy.

“Don’t cry, Mack Attack.” Cam pleaded, patting his back with her tiny hand.

“You smiled, so I’m good now. Go grab a snack so we can head out,” he instructed, lowering her to the ground.

Once she was inside the pantry, I delivered a compliment.
