Page 80 of Unbreakable Bond

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She saw the same looking in the mirror. That drove her to drink. It was the only way Sophia could cope with marrying a man she didn’t love. It was a story I swore I would never repeat, but I found myself in the same marriage I despised growing up.

“That’s her fault.”

“She’s your wife,” Mom quipped.

“I’m not the one who needs that reminder. If Kyerra is stressed, it’s by choice.”

“I know your father and I weren’t a good example of perseverance, but I want better for you and your sister. Fix it, Tyson.”

“Since you’re so full of advice, how do you suppose I do that?” I asked, leaning back in my seat.

“I’m probably the last person you want marriage advice from, and I don’t blame you. Me and your father got a lot of things wrong.”

“Most things,” I muttered, allowing my impulsive thought to win.

“I may not know how to make it right, but I know wrong when I see it. If you don’t want your son to look at you how you’re looking at me, I suggest you fix things with your wife.”

“Ma, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

A knock on the door made us both turn around as Nebula peeped inside.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Carmichael just arrived.”

“It’s fine. I was just leaving,” Mom announced, rising to her feet, and I signaled Nebula to give me a second.

She nodded and shut the door as I moved around my desk and embraced my mother.

“I appreciate you.”

“Don’t come over here trying to butter me up. You said how you feel, and I have to respect that.” More shit she learned on her journey of being sober, but the sadness in her tone said otherwise.

“I love you.”

“Do you love your wife?” She asked.

“Of course I love Kyerra.” I wasn’t sure if I was in love with her, but there was love there.

“I’ll let you get to your meeting, but fix it, son.” She grabbed my face, pulled me to her level, and kissed my cheek before walking out.

Standing in the doorway, I motioned Vincent into my office to hear his latest issue with our proposal.

“Am I interrupting?”

“No, my mother was just leaving.”

He walked inside, and I shut the door behind us.

“So, what brings you to my office today?” I asked, taking a seat.

“Time is money, and the longer we keep going back and forth, the more money I waste. I don’t like wasting money.”

“Funny because you’re the one rejecting every proposal we present.”

Vincent smirked. “Wouldn’t you if you were me?”

“If I were you, I would’ve wrapped this up long ago, but we can’t all be so convincing.”

“Ky is very convincing. That’s not the problem.”
