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His name leaving my lips is as weak and meager as my apology. Nothing but a mumble from a lowly cleaner to a genius doctor.

“Please, call me August.”

I get a proper look at him close-up now. Surprisingly, he’s not wearing glasses anymore like he did when we were teenagers. But he still has the same face as I remember, just even more chiseled and manly than his teenage look. With his broad-shouldered, muscular frame packed into a doctor’s scrubs, he looks like a classic superhero dressed up in his nerdy alter-ego.

I shake my head at his request.

And I do the one thing I can do...

I can’t talk to him. I don’t trust myself to not lose control.

Instead, I run away. I run down the hospital hallway in the other direction of Doctor –August– Penmayne.

And I don’t look back.



My brother, Victor, calls me just as I’m leaving the hospital at the end of my long shift. The last time we spoke must’ve been at least weeks ago, if not months. Being typical alpha men, we Penmayne brothers don’t spend every day updating each other on every little detail of our lives, but when we do talk, it’s as if no day has gone by since the last time we’ve met up. I answer his call whilst continuing the walk toward my parked car.

“What’s up, Victor?”

“August! My doctor brother. Long time no see. How’s your day been?”

My brother has the silky-smooth, refined voice of a confident actor, and that might be because he actually is one. In Hollywood, he’s the next up-and-coming star, with all the buzz and gossip of Tinseltown backing him up and blowing wind into his metaphorical sails. To be honest, I’m not surprised things have ended up this way for him – he was always destined for great, famous things. He’s got the good looks and the charisma of an old Hollywood hero, all-white smiles, and a face that can light up a screen. He’s simplyperfectfor the movies.

It’s funny how life takes its turns – he’s out there starring in the latest blockbuster flicks, and here I am, knee-deep in a busy pediatric ward... both of us doing what we love in such different fields. How unique all of us Penmayne brothers are with what we’ve chosen to do with our talents.

United by blood, though. Forever.

And it’s true: it has been a hell of a long time since Victor and I have caught up. I gotta admit that I do miss the cocky bastard.

“I’ve just finished my shift at the hospital,” I reply on the phone.

“Saving babies?” Victor asks.

“Something like that,” I say with a slight chuckle. “How’s life in LA?”

“Well, that’s what I’m meaning to talk to you about,” Victor says. “I’m actually not in LA, and I’m not currently filming a movie.”

“Where are you, then?” I ask. “You’re not at the mansion back in Crystal River, are you? I can never stay there longer than a night before I have to escape.”

“I’m actually about six blocks away from you right now,” Victor replies with a dramatic flourish.


“You’re here?” I ask, not knowing if my cheeky brother is being serious or if he’s pulling one of his famous pranks.

“Yep, just a quick flying visit,” he says. “I’m about to head in for a little photoshoot for my upcoming movie, and then I’ll be hanging around for a few days doing promotion and all that shit. How about we hang out, brother?”

“Now?” I ask, trying to process what he’s saying as I reach my parked car.

“What better timethannow?” Victor's enthusiasm is contagious. “Let’s have some quality brother talk. Face-to-face. It’s been way too long.”

I would normally reject such an offer - I am beyond tired and I’m dressed in my dirty hospital scrubs. But it is Victor, and I never see him. His Hollywood life is such a whirlwind that I never get the chance to sit down with him and justchat. Plus, he is only a few blocks away from the hospital downtown.

Maybe I can swing by and be home soon enough.
