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“What are you doing here?” I ask Kenneth.

He gestures around at the parking lot.

“Looking for my damn car,” he replies. “I always seem to lose it. I can choreograph a three-hour ballet, but I can never remember the directions to where I parked my vehicle. I’m useless.”

I freeze, and I realize this is it. This is the one chance I’ve got to give my side of the story.

“I just want to explain what happened in there,” I say.

Kenneth blinks.

“Go on,” he says.

“Well, I’ve been savings for years for this moment and I completely screwed it up, as you saw.”

“I did,” Kenneth replies. “And you did.”

“But I love dancing,” I say. “It’s my passion.”

“A lot of people love dancing,” Kenneth replies quietly and seriously. “That’s why they audition for this school in droves. You are one of many people with a passion for dancing, Emma. I’m sorry to say. It doesn’t make you stand out. I apologize for the brutality, but that’s the honest truth.”

“But Ilovedancing,” I say. “It’s all I have. It’s all I dream about. It’s the one thing that brings me joy.”

Kenneth sighs and lowers his head.

“The panel’s decision is final,” he says. “There’s nothing that can be changed about that. You’d have to be an extreme exception to even be considered for a second chance.”

I nod slowly.

I won’t beg. I won’t get down on my knees.

I will just have to live with this pain.

“I know,” I reply to the judge. “Have a good day, Kenneth. It was nice to meet you. I hope you find your car.”



Well, this is certainly somewhere new to me.

I take a courtside seat next to my brother and glance around the basketball stadium. It’s busy, and that’s putting it lightly.

“Jesus, Victor,” I whisper to my brother. “Courtside? These must be expensive tickets.”

Victor smiles at me with that charming Hollywood smile of his.

“Don’t worry your pretty head about it, Doctor August, and just enjoy the game.”

He called me up literally an hour ago inviting me to this basketball game. I had nothing planned this evening, and so I accepted. I thought it would be simple – just two brothers enjoying a game. I just never knew we were going to havetheseseats right in the thick of the action. But I really shouldn’t be shocked when it comes to my brother.

Victor can always surprise.

He’s looking every inch the famous Hollywood actor tonight. He’s wearing a high-end charcoal-tailored suit jacket with designer denim jeans. His wrist boasts a very,veryexpensive and exclusive gold watch. His black hair is perfectly trimmed into a straight crewcut. His skin practically glows. It’s hard not to spot the eyes of many a woman in the crowd admiring him.

Sitting here, courtside to the action and the cameras and the lights, is soVictor. The extroverted actor loves the attention. He loves waving at fans and other Hollywood celebrities in the crowd with his charismatic flair. He’s enchanting with the cameras – they always seem to find him.

Yeah, no wonder the world loves this bad boy bachelor.
