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Maybe he’s never fallen out of love with me at all...

I honestly don’t know what to think. I’m just going to do this show for him, and then I’ll deal with my crazy emotions.

There’s a knock on the door behind me.

It’ll be him.

“Come in.”

“Nice,” August remarks to the room as he closes the door behind him.

I turn and smile coyly at him. I gesture around at my portable speaker and the space I’ve set up.

“I don’t know why I’m doing this,” I mutter.

August frowns. “Because I got you new ballet shoes, remember?”

“Sure,” I reply. “That’s how I’ve been roped into this.”

He’s wearing a dark blue suit that is perfectly tailored for his tall, muscular frame. He looks damn good. Stylish and confident. I detect a little swagger in his step.

August takes his time to wander around the small dark room. He glances at my portable speaker and at the one chair I’ve set up for him. He finally turns back to me.

“This room is too small,” he says. It’s a dramatic announcement.

“It’s perfect for us two,” I reply. “There’s plenty of space for me to perform, and no one will bother us in here. I checked the schedule, and it should be totally clear until the morning. We should be fine. This room is the perfect size.”

August takes a step toward me.

“How about we go somewhere...bigger?” he asks.

“Where in the hospital is there a bigger room that’s available?” I ask back. “I checked around and there aren’t any other spare rooms in this entire building.”

“I wasn’t thinking of the hospital,” August replies. “I was thinking of somewhere morefurtherafield.”

“What on earth are you talking about, August?”

The man walks to the door and smiles at me.

“Come with me to my car, Emma, and I’ll show you what I’m thinking of.”



I have absolutely no idea where August is taking me until he pulls up in front of the very last place I would expect him to take me. Downtown. To the city theatre. To the same place I have stood outside for hours staring at posters of the upcoming Swan Lake production and daydreamed endlessly about being on its stage.

No freaking way.

As we park outside, I look up at the building and just completely lose my breath.

“What is this?” I ask August with trepidation obvious in my voice. “What are we doing here?”

But, deep down, I think I already know the answers to my questions.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand what’s going on here...

“You’ve always wanted to perform at this theatre, right?” the doctor asks me casually while he opens his door as if it’s so normal that he has taken me to the place I love most in the world – a place I haven’t even stepped inside of.
