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I’m nervous as to what he might say next.

“Yes, I always have wanted to perform here.”

“Well, now’s your chance, Emma,” August whispers.

I just stare at him for a full minute, unable to process what’s happening. I simply hold on to the door handle and freak out.

“Are you joking around, August?” I ask him, practically begging. “Please don’t be. I can’t deal with a joke right now.”

He laughs and then steps out of his car. He takes his time to walk around to my passenger side. He opens my door.

“I’m not joking around,” he says as he offers me a helping hand out of his car. “This is where I want you to perform for me. I’ve hired it out for today.”

“How the hell did you hire out this theater?” I ask, my jaw dropping.

“I’ve got my contacts, Emma,” August replies smoothly as I step out of the car. “I am a Penmayne, after all.”

“Ah. Okay.”

“But let’s not think about that,” he continues in a satisfied purr, still holding onto my hand. “Not now. All I want you to do is perform for me. Here.”

“Actually here?” I ask. “On this stage? No way. It’s pretty damn nerve-wracking.”

“I’ll be sitting in the audience,” August replies. “Don’t worry, there’s not going to be hundreds of people here. This is not public. This is just for me. I merely thought you would prefer this stage to a small empty hospital room.”

“Yeah, I kinda would.”

“Good,” August replies. With his hand still around mine, he pulls me in close against his body. We’re so intimate.

“This is crazy,” I whisper, our faces so close now.

“Make sure you wear those new ballet shoes,” August whispers back cheekily. “I’d like to see you in them.”

* * *

I step into the dark wings by the side of the theater and try my absolute hardest not to freak out.

I’m actually here. I’m actually in this space.

Walking around backstage, I’m constantly reminded how I’ve never been in here before.

But that’s changed.

And it hasn’t fully sunk in yet. I bet it won’t until I’m lying in bed tonight, unable to fall asleep due to the sheer craziness of all this.

I might actually wake up any second now...

Sure, it’s not performing Swan Lake on opening night in front of a packed audience, but it’s damn near close. I still can’t believe August has done all this for me - just for me to experience what it’s like to step out here, even if it is to dance just for him.

The place is bigger than I expected. I stand by the theater wings and peek out into the immense auditorium. I can’t see much in the darkness, but it’s pretty damn clear it isbigout there.

I’ve just been backstage, putting on my workout clothes and the new ballet shoes, just as August had requested. I love those old dressing rooms. So much history is contained in them. So many interesting facts I’ve discovered scattered around. There are photos back there of all the famous and talented people who’ve performed on this very stage - dancers and actors who I have admired my whole life have stood in the same place I’m standing now.

It’s daunting, to say the least.

I’m just simply... awed.

I take in a deep breath.
