Page 37 of Play Maker

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Fuck, I can’t handle her saying all the reasons it’s not working between us.

Not again.

“It was the right move,” I say before she can.

She squares her shoulders, chin lifting. “Right.”

The door behind me opens, and I turn to find Kyle hovering in the doorway.

“Hey. Didn’t expect to see you back in Denver,” he muses as he takes me in. “Am I interrupting?”

“No.” Nova shifts off the barrel.

Kyle flashes his teeth. “I’m Kyle.”


“Nova. I know.” His grin lingers as he surveys her. “I’m Clay’s replacement. New and improved.”

Like fuck you are.

I don’t like how he’s looking at her. Not one bit.

I pick up the first aid kit, clenching it in my fingers.

She brushes past me, her scent lingering as she reaches the door.

“Huh. Guess LA wasn’t the city of dreams for you after all,” Kyle observes.

“Don’t even fucking think about it.” I grab his shirt and drag him close.

“What? You’re worried I took your town, now I’m gonna take your girl?” He flashes teeth.

It’s not his town. But he thinks it is.

If he believes for a second he’d have a chance with Nova…

“Kyle?” Miles calls from the end of the alley, and I force myself to let go of Kyle. “We’re making this get-well card for Coach. Our old coach, that is. Do you want to sign it?”

He brushes himself off, grinning. “Sure.”

Nova was right about one thing…

I have more to lose than I thought.



“A little higher,” I say.

I haven’t been a stickler for perfection, but today it matters.

The woman lifts the frame an inch.

“Oh my God. That’s perfect.”

I turn to find Annie Jamieson, her hands clasped and eyes wide, in the doorway of the venue. Her red hair falls in sculpted waves, her body encased in a shimmering silver gown. She’s a mermaid.
