Page 66 of Play Maker

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“You won’t need it. They’re going to love it.”

My chest squeezes.

“Any word from Brad?” Clay goes on, killing my mojo with a single name.

I shift in my seat. “Not really.” Since the initial messages, I haven’t responded and I’ve had lots of other things to focus on.

“If you give me more details, I can have someone look into it—”

“I just want to forget it.” It reminds me of a time when I felt small, so I change the subject. “I’m surprised you wanted to go to Kyle’s party. You’re not his biggest fan.”

“Everyone on the team’s going. I gotta prove I can hang with them. All of them.”

Clay doesn’t like Kyle, but he hasn’t told me exactly what bugs him. There’s lots that goes on at practice and behind the scenes the public doesn’t see.

Kyle’s hosting tonight’s Halloween party, and everyone’s feeling festive. The Kodiaks have a winning record, 5-3, including winning three in a row since Clay returned.

I texted Brooke to give her our ETA, and Miles has been bugging me to ask when we’re arriving.

“Wow. Kyle’s renting this place?” I say as the gates to the mansion swing open.

We head up the driveway and get out, Clay handing the keys to the valet.

The house is decorated with spooky graveyard decor outside. Headstones feature the names of rival basketball players. In the lights from the house, shadows fall across Clay’s handsome face. He’s all in black except for the gold crown, his tattoos curling around his neck and hands.

He grabs my arm as we start up the walkway. “People are going to ask about us. We should get on the same page.”

I turn to take him in, drawn toward him either by his grip or the invisible pull that always fills the air between us.

It’s moments like these that I feel compelled to spill my guts, to say my heart has only ever been his.

But I’m learning to protect my heart. And his.

“I will always care about you. I want you to be happy, and I know you want that for me. I think we sometimes rely too much on each other for that happiness.”

He frowns, as if that answer is unsatisfactory. He’s still studying me when a screech comes from the front door. It’s Brooke, dressed as sexy Little Red Riding Hood, and someone in a full bear costume. The bear takes his head off, revealing Miles.

Inside, we hang with our friends, get drinks.

Kyle’s dressed as Michael Jordan. Rookie has a black wig and glittery jacket.

“Who are you?” Clay asks.

“Kyle promised we’d both go as MJ. Miles convinced me it was Michael Jackson.”

Jay and Miles high five.

“You look great,” I tell Rookie.

“I know. And I can dance.” He grins, moonwalking across the room.

“You’re supposed to tell me what big teeth I have,” Miles informs Brooke.

“That’s the wolf, dumbass.”

It’s good to see the guys having a great time together. Their job is tough and stressful, and here at a private party, they can let loose a little.

“Dance with me,” Clay says against my ear.
