Page 7 of Play Maker

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“Defensive foul!” Coach calls.

Isaac appears over me, silhouetted against the lights as he holds out a hand. “Welcome to LA.”

On my feet, I walk off the discomfort, refusing to let it show.

“That’s practice for today,” Coach calls before blowing the whistle. “We have a game tomorrow. I expect to see you all for shootaround. Clay, we’ll get you video time with our lead analysts and a meeting to go over some of the coverages.”

“You good?” one of the trainers asks me when I cross to the bench.

I nod, ignoring the pain.

Even if some of the guys aren’t happy to have me here, we all want to win. As I grab my phone, I see two missed texts.

Nova: OMG, I found the perfect place! Can’t wait to show you.

Nova: I’m on my way over.

Her name on my phone makes the knot in my chest ease instantly.

I tug on a hoodie over my jersey only to glance up and see Nova hovering in the stands, halfway up. She’s dressed in a denim skirt and a white tank that cling to her curves. Her blond-pink hair falls in waves around her bare shoulders.

When she sees me looking, she waves and smiles, bouncing on her toes.

My lips twitch and I nod back.

Despite the GM’s words, maybe I don’t quite fit in here.

But neither does she, and I love her for it.



Clay always looks good after practice. Exhausted and invigorated, like he just slayed a dragon.

Or his own personal demons.

He meets me in the hallway after showering, his hair still damp.

“Did you show them how to play?” I ask.

Clay wraps an arm around my waist and kisses me until I’m breathless. If I’m surprised by the urgency, I don’t show it. I kiss him back, pressing up onto my toes as his mouth slants across mine.

I want to be his anchor. The one person he looks for, smiles at.

We’re in the middle of the arena, and I’m suddenly wishing we were in private.

“Didn’t realize PDA was still a thing,” an unfamiliar voice says from the other side of Clay.

I look past him at another guy in a hoodie.

He’s vaguely familiar, but I can’t place him. There are too many players in the league for me to remember all of them, but I vow to memorize all the LA guys this week if it kills me.

I smile and extend a hand. “I’m Nova.”

He glances at it before shaking it, his mouth curving. “Isaac. This is a big move. Nice of you to drop everything for Clay. You got friends here? Family?”

“They’re back in Denver.” I feel Clay tense at my side, but maybe it’s my imagination. “I’m excited for the opportunity. We both are.” I take Clay’s hand and squeeze.
