Page 89 of Play Maker

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“It’s a sprain. Ankle.” We look up at the sound of the head trainer’s voice.


“How bad?” Jay asks.

“Too soon to say.”

Kyle could be back before the end of the series or out for the year.

This is almost worse than a loss. Falling behind sucks, but with a full roster of healthy players, you have a chance.

We just lost one of our best guys.

He might be a prick, but he’s an all-star.

“We’ll get him back,” I say with more confidence than I feel. “Keep it going.”

Jay and I exchange a look.

We could lose this series.

It occurs to me for the first time.

All of this could be for nothing.

I’m a champion who came back for a victory lap. I had a chance to live forever, and instead I’ll be forgotten.

* * *


“Knock knock. Are you still asleep?” a familiar voice calls.

“What time is it?” I crack an eye without lifting my face from the pillow.

“Almost nine.” Mari strides into my room with a tray and a smile.

I rub my eyes against the sun streaming in the window.

The little flat we rented is near the Eiffel Tower. We’ve been here for three days, and it’s been beautiful. Stunning gardens, well-dressed people, and yes, pastries to die for.

“I should be making you coffee,” I say groggily, pushing myself up to sitting as Mari sets the tray on my bed over my lap. “Where’s Emily?”

“Playing on her mat.” She nods to the other room and perches on the edge of my bed. She’s already fitting into the Paris vibe in a white T-shirt and slim black pants.

I pick up the coffee and take a grateful sip.

“How late were you up?” she asks.

“Until the end of the press conferences.”

Her eyes widen. “The game went until… two. I thought I did well to stay up that late.”

“Four by the time the press conferences were done.”

The series was two for Phoenix to two for Denver going into last night. After dropping the first game, they scrambled back to steal the next two. But the loss last night was a blow. I could sense Clay’s frustration.

“What time are your meetings?” I ask.
